XXI | Cheese Supplier

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"Y-you're Catwoman?!" Adrien semi-yelled, taking a step back in shock.

You covered your mouth with one hand, raising the other signaling for Adrien to quiet down. Your knees felt weak, and your breath began to quicken. "A-Adrien! Why is the bathroom door op- why- how- I-" You paused, looking around anxiously.

"[Y/N]!" Adrien ran up to you, putting his hand on your shoulders, trying to calm you down. "It's okay, [Y/N]. I promise I won't tell anyone. You're my friend."

You took a deep breath, pulling Adrien into a hug. He gave you a comforting pat on the back. You suddenly pulled away from Adrien, punching him in his shoulder. He bent down due to the pain of the punch. "Hey, what was that for?" He groaned.

"Why was the bathroom door unlocked?!" You looked at Adrien crazy.

"Well you were in the bathroom then those little gremlins came and you still weren't out the bathroom. When I knocked on the door to see if you were okay I wasn't getting a response and panicked so I just opened the door. I-I'm sorry." You sighed, sliding down the cabinet and sitting on the floor. "It's okay... none of this is your fault."

Plagg peaked his head out the fanny pack, looking over at Adrien. "I can't believe you're actually Catwoman." Adrien shook his head sitting down across from you.

"Yeah... it's uh- a lot to take in, I guess." Finally, Plagg came out completely, revealing himself to Adrien.

Adrien looked fascinated by him. "Wow! What are you?"

"Hello!" Plagg waved like his usual energetic self. Of course, he'd already eaten the cheese that was in the fanny for him. "I'm Plagg, the best Kwami there is! Even said by [Y/N] herself."

"Are you what helps [Y/N] transform?"

You spoke before Plagg could. "Yeah. He's awfully noisy, though." You side eyed Plagg, who only rolled his eyes at you, flying off somewhere into Adriens room.

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]." Adrien looked at the ground guilty. "I shouldn't have opened the door. Now your identity could be at risk and then you'd be in danger."

You rubbed your eyes going into your forehead to look at Adrien. "I know you meant well when you opened the door. You just wanted to be sure I was safe. I trust you not to put my identity at risk, Adrien. I'm trusting that you won't tell anyone that I'm Catwoman."

Adrien nodded quickly, scooting a little closer to you. "I promise."

You held out your pinky towards him, waiting for him to connect his. "Pinky promise?" Adrien smiled, wrapping his pinky around yours. "Pinky promise."

You relaxed, laying back against the cabinet with a tired sigh. "Thank you." You whispered mostly to yourself.

Adrien stood up, holding his arm out for you to take. "Why don't we go back to the couch instead of the bathroom floor."

You nodded with a laugh. "Definitely."

"Wow, I still can't believe it! My best friend is the Catwoman! That's so cool." Adrien fangirled. You laughed at him, softly punching his shoulder.

"Mhm. You've been friends with a superhero all this time and never knew."

Adrien's mouth opened slightly, tilting his head towards you suggestively. "What if we know Ladybug too." You waved your hand dismissing him. "Nah, I doubt it." Adrien shrugged. "Yeah."

You looked in your fanny pack seeing all the pieces of cheese gone. "Plagg! Cmon, stop eating so much cheese!" Plagg flew back over to you from wherever he was. "What? Cheese is just so good!" Plagg drooled.

You sighed. "What's the matter?"

"Plagg eats so much cheese. I'm starting to run out, and I don't know how to get more without asking my parents to buy me a pound of cheese." You rolled your eyes. "I don't have a job yet, so it's not like I have my own money to spend."

There was a moment of silence. Adrien clicked his tongue. "Hmm. I can get you the cheese." You quickly sat up.

"No, you don't have to do that, Adrien." Adrien shook his head as if blocking out whatever else you were going to say.

"Please, I can give you all the cheese you need. It would help me feel better. I did invade your privacy after all..." Adrien looked away, obviously guilty at what he'd done.

"Fine." You smiled.

"So you're gonna be my cheese supplier?" Plagg flew up to Adrien excitedly.

"I sure am!" Plagg hugged Adrien's cheek. "I like you already!"

You laughed at the two, waving Plagg's dramatic-ness off. "I might just leave Plagg with you." You joked. Plagg switched to an offended look. "You wouldn't last a day without me!"

You ignored Plagg, straightening your back. Adrien caught your sudden change, giving you a confused look. "You remember that day we talked about me liking Marinette, and I said I liked another girl too but she went to a different school."

Adrien nodded. "The "other girl" was Ladybug."

You watched as Adrien's eyes widen before having an "that makes sense" look on his face. "Of courseee! Yeah, yeah! Right." You laughed, looking at him weirdly.

"Yeah... the other day, well, during the Glaciator attack, she confessed that she did like me, but she also feels the same way about another girl, just like me! The only thing is that we're heroes, of course that makes things super complicated. Meanwhile, with Marinette I could be more myself. Marinette seems to get very nervous and flustered around me... like she's got a crush on me, y'know." You ranted, but Adrien listened to every word you said.

"Marinette doesn't get nervous when she talks to me. If it's just you then it must be a crush."

You smiled at that, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. "I've gotta spend more time with Marinette." You looked up daydreaming.

A minute later you sighed, stretching your arm out. "Wait. What about you, Adrien. You got a crush on anyone?"

Adrien blushed, looking away shyly. "Uh... actually, there's this girl I met the other day. Her name is Kagami. I... kinda like her. I don't know her much, so it's hard to say. I met her while fencing, she beat me in a match."

Your mouth formed an 'o' shape. "She sounds interesting. I wish you the best of luck with Kagami." You winked. "I can't say much since I don't know her."

You picked up the gaming controller on the table, seeing as the tv were still paused mid game. "You ready to lose some more?" You smirked.

Adrien glared at you picking up his own controller. "We'll see about that."

(a/n) I'm thinking about writing an Adrien fic. So theres a possibility for that :). And sorry this chapter is really short and kinda disappointing.

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