XX | The Sapotis

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Today wasn't just like any normal day. Today you were actually going to be spending the night at the Agreste household. Adrien said it took a load of begging and convincing, and his father finally let him invite just a couple friends over. Of course, he code to invite you and Nino. Unfortunately though, Nino couldn't make it due to a family issue, but he promised to play online games with the two of you while you were there.

Adrien was still excited nevertheless, this was his first sleepover after all. Your parents were a little hesitant on letting you go, since it'd just be you and Adrien alone. In the end they said they trusted you and let you go.

You packed a small bag with your overnight clothes, clothes for the next day, and essentials such as a toothbrush and deodorant.

Your father was the one who dropped you off and walked you to the door. He introduced himself to Mr. Agreste's assistant, Natalie, and made sure everything would be okay. After that, you waved bye to your dad giving him a hug. "Text me if you need anything." He said.

You nodded, waving again. "Okay. I will." You walked into the big house. Adrien came running down the stairs in pure joy. "Thank you, Natalie!"

He grabbed your wrist pulling you up the stairs. "Be careful, Adrien!" Natalie yelled up to him.

"Woah, woah, calm down, Adrien." You laughed once entering his room.

"Sorry, just excited! This is my first sleepover." He repeated. "I know." You playfully rolled your eyes. "You've said that about ten times already."

He sat on the couch, you following behind him. You took off your backpack setting it against the armrest. "So... what exactly do you do at sleepover?" Adrien asked.

You shrugged. "Hmm. Anything really. Watch movies, play games, talk, prank calls."

"I've been wanting to play Mario Kart with someone, but haven't had the opportunity! Can we play?" Adrien asked excitedly.

You nodded with a smirk. "I'm a professional at Mario Kart. Don't get too hurt when you loose ever round." You looked at your nails, dragging out the cocky attitude.

He put the Mario Kart disc in his gaming council, handing you a controlling when he back back on the couch. You took a deep breath, putting all your focus on the game. You both clicked your favorite characters and cars, now choosing a map to play. After some time, Adrien chose one. He looked at you as the countdown when off. You side eyed him. "Good luck." You said, hoping it came off just a little condescending.

Adrien definitely caught on to that, rolling his eyes. "You're the one who's gonna need it."

The first round ended with you in first place, as expected. Adrien sighed leaning back into the couch. You raised your arms like you were flexing muscles. "Yeah, uh huh. What'd I say." You bragged.

"Beginner luck." Adrien remarked. "Yeah, right."

The second round you got to choose which map to play; of course, you chose your favorite. The tension was so thick. It was completely quiet in the room besides the Mario Kart music playing softly from the tv. You even began biting your inner lip. You won, once again.

Adrien lowered his head groaning. "How's that for beginners luck."

Adrien raised his hand to your face like saying "talk to the hand." You laughed. "Wow. So sassy."

Adrien ignored you, already having the next map picked out. You noticed something running across the roof behind the tv. The distraction made you drop from first place to fourth in a matter of seconds. You gasped, eye twitching seeing you'd lost with a third place reward. This time Adrien did his celebratory dance.

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