XXIX | heroes day; part¹

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You crashed into your bed exhausted right after detransforming. You didn't even get a minute of rest before your alarm went off, telling you to get ready for school. You groggily whipped your hand on the alarm to shut it off and stood up with tired eyes.

Today was heroes day, that's right. Plagg sighed, as you finished putting on your last piece of clothing and made your way to your bathroom. "Ugh, Heroes Day. We're already heroes! Come on! Let's go back to bed!" Plagg waved his stinky cheese in front of you, almost making you gag. "Plagg, stop waving that cheese around! You're gonna make me throw up." Plagg threw the slice of cheese in the air, catching it in his mouth.

You finished packing your bag, going out into the kitchen to greet your parents. "Good morning, honey!" Your mom spoke joyfully.

"Good morning, mom." You replied, packing a small bag of snacks to take to school. It was already near the time you should head out, so you decided to skip breakfast. "You look awfully tired this morning." Your dad observed, watching you walk past him to the front door.

"Ah, I couldn't get much sleep last night." Your dad nodded, shrugging off whatever feeling he had. "Bye!" You waved to your parents, stepping out the door and finally making your way to school.

Everyone sat peacefully in their seats waiting for class to start. Your leg bounced up and down eyeing the girl that sat right in front of you. Marinette slightly tilted her head to look at you, watching you smile at her when she made eye contact. She quickly faced forward, letting out a sigh.

A sudden call appeared on the projector from Lila. "Hello, everyone!"

"Hi, Lila!"

"We can't wait to know what you've been up to! Tell us about your week in Atchoo." Ms. Bustier spoke. Everyone leaned forward in their seats, excited to see what Lila had to say. Marinette turned to the side, typing something angrily on her phone. "It's absolutely amazing! Prince Ali invited me and my parents to his gorgeous palace!"

Marinette smirked at her phone before raising her hand, interrupting what Lila was going to say next. "Excuse me, but Prince Ali couldn't have possibly invited you, because he's in the United States."

Lila looks taken aback for a second, immediately regaining her composure. She laughed. "I never said he was actually there, Marinette. I just said he invited us. His parents hosted the visit." Marinette retracted her phone away, mumbling to herself.

"I miss you guys so much! It's so hard being away on this magical trip, so far from my friends, and especially on heroes day!" The class let out a series of "awes." from Lila's statement, while Marinette just shook her head going back on her phone. "Lila, what good deed are you planning today?" Ms Bustier asked.

"Today, I'll be meeting up with Prince Ali to show him an idea I came up with. Marinette, Prince Ali is coming back to Atchoo today, isn't he?" Marinette sets her phone on her desk looking away. "Yeah, that's right."

"What idea is this, Lila?" Max asks. "I'm sure it's amazing!" Rose added.

"Oh, it's nothing much! My diplomat parents have helped me convince the leaders of several nations to agree to reduce world pollution and I'm optimistic the prince will agree!" This time you shook your head at Lila. The least she could do was make her lies at least a little believable. "Wow, that's incredible, Lila! Thank you on behalf of planet earth!" Ms Bustier spoke enthusiastically.

"Well, sure! Ladybug might save lives, but couldn't care less about the environment, so somebody has to come to the rescue." You nearly laughed at how dumb that sounded. You spoke up, having enough tone in your voice for Lila to realize you were taunting her. "What does Ladybug have to do with saving the environment? Her job is to save civilians from Hawkmoth. She has a life outside of being a hero as well, and you never know, she could be doing something about saving the environment now as we speak. It isn't Ladybug's job to do everything for people. She already does enough as is."

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