XVI | Befana

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Today was Marinette's birthday. Alya invited you and planned the party with you and many others a week prior. You, of course, we're excited. You loved getting presents for people (especially people you like). It was just a few hours before the party, and now you were out in search for the perfect gift for her.

Everything you past by didn't seem right. You grew worried you wouldn't be able to get her a gift in time. You had to be at the part in thirty minutes to help the rest with setting up the party.

You found a small craft and antique store on the corner block. The store was dim lit, slightly dusty, and a bit crowded. Someone came out from behind a big shelf. "Hello, and welcome!" She greeted cheerfully. "Is there something specific you're looking for?" She asked.

"Well, it's my friends birthday and I'm looking for a gift." She hums, nodding her head. "I always struggle with finding a gift for my loved ones. If you need I'm any help, I'll be here." You look around the area before walking the direction that attracts you the most.

You found a cute antique set with a mama bunny and baby bunnies trailing behind her. The thing was super cute you'd honestly thought about getting it for yourself. You walked closer to the back of the store where less stuff was.

A large rack was held up by two bedside tables. The rack had tons of charms and keychains handing from it; even a few dream catchers. One charm in particular caught your eyes. The charm looked almost identical to the one Marinette gave you, only the color scheme of this charm fit you more, as Marinette matched hers.

It was the perfect give. You brought it up to the cash register taking out your wallet to pay. "Did you find what you were looking for?" You nodded with a smile. "I found just what I needed." The lady scans the small price tag, then told you the price. You gave handed her the bills and took the charm from the table heading out the door.

Ever since Marinette had given you her charm you kept it in your pocket at all times. You held the two charms side-by-side squeezing them together in excitement. You really hope Marinette likes the gift as well. (Of course she would, you're the one that got it for her.)

You'd already had a gift bag with the other items you got, including materials you thought she'd be able to use with her fashion designs; but you wanted to deliver the charm to her personally.

You put both the charms in your pocket upon entering the park and set your gift bag on the gift table that was already set up. Alya walked around quickly until she came up to you. "You think you could help Juleka with the balloons?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course." You walked over to Juleka handing up the balloons that had already been blown.

Another hour later everything was set up and Alya headed out to get Marinette. You finished the balloons with Juleka and ended up helping Alya with the food table soon after.

Eventually, Alya showed up with Marinette, who had a blind fold around her eyes. She gasped once the blind fold was removed, staring at you for a minute before looking at the rest. She looked obviously really happy, her face became a light shade of pink. Everyone went around giving Marinette their gifts.

"Happy birthday, Marinette!" You handed Marinette the small gift bag. Her jaw dropped, letting out a few squeals. Alya fixed her chin back up. "Open it, Marinette." She whispered, though you did hear it.

"La Befana comes at night on her shaky broom in flight! She give out candy to those who are dandy!" Someone sang.

"Grandma?" Marinette asked she lady. An akumatized villain for sure.

You ran away from the crowd, and into a group of trees that gave you hardly any coverage, but it was the closest thing, and it was just enough to where no one would see you transform. "But we didn't even get to have anything from the buffet!" Plagg complained.

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