XIV | Prime Queen

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"Tonight, for our first addition of Face-to-Face, you'll have the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to talk live with Ladybug and Catwoman! Along with me, Nadia Chamack. We'll be revealing sizzling-hot information about your favorite superheroes! Don't be bemused, it's just the news!"

You sat around in your room doing nothing but watching the news on your small tv. "What?!! You get to be on tv with Ladybug?!" Plagg flew up to the tv pointing at the picture of you in your hero form. "You're going to become a star!"

You shook your head, turning to lay on your back. "Nah, we can't be stars. Just superheroes. But I thought It'd be fun to just talk... without exposing any identity revealing information. Plus, more time with Ladybug!" Plagg mimic you, putting his hand on his cheeks and fangirling over Ladybug in a high pitch voice.

You rolled your eyes at him pushing him away when he got closer to you. "You're so annoying, Plagg." You joked. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Well, I've got to prepare for this big day." He opened the small draw you keep all the cheese for him taking big piece. "With cheese!"

A couple hours later you got up from your bed and out your room. "Hey, mom!" You greeted. "Is it okay if I watch the live stream at my friends house? They were hoping we'd watch it together." Your mom nodded, kissing your cheek. "Be back before eleven."

You smiled leaving the house. You ran to a private area to transform into Catwoman, then made your way to the news station. The workers at the front lead you to the recording room where Nadia Chamack was. "Hello, Catwoman, it's a pleasure to have you on the show!" Nadia stood up to shake your hand.

"Thank you for having me!" You smiled, then sat down on the seat across from her. "I see Ladybug is a couple minutes late."

"I thought you two would be arriving together."

"You wanna know a secret?" You winked, leaning forward in your seat. Nadia nodded. "I love chouquettes!" You said, popping one in your mouth.

You used your staff to call Ladybug, but she didn't answer. "Sorry, she didn't pick up." You told Nadia, showing her your phone. A few minutes later of silent waiting Ladybug showed up, making a dramatic entrance. She took the seat next to you smiling.

"And here i thought you stood me up, m'lady." You leaned back, stretching your arm out so it reaches half behind her. "And let the audience down? I could never! I'm sorry I'm so late, Nadia."

"Good evening. I'm Nadia Chamack and this is Face-to-Face. For our first audition, I welcome the beloved guardians of Paris, Ladybug and Catwoman! Hello! Thanks so much for accepting this exclusive live interview!" Nadia started once the camera began rolling.

"Well, thank you, Nadia. We're honored to be here!" Ladybug replied.

"And hello to all my fans." You winked and blew a kiss to the camera.

"I'm sure thousands have tuned in tonight."

"Don't encourage her of the cat won't stop purring all night." Ladybug smirked, side eyeing you. You gave Ladybug the same look before turning to Nadia. "Don't listen to her. Bugaboo is just a spot jealous."

Ladybug reached over flicking the bell by your hip. "Hey, I thought we agreed on no more Bugaboo-calling, Pussycat!" You frowned. "But it's so cute. I wouldn't mind you giving me nicknames either" you winked again. It was almost an addiction.

Nadia laughed. "It's obvious you two are very close." She gave you a suggestive look. "People know you, but they don't really know you. We see you saving Paris, but we don't know anything else about you."

"Well, we are superheroes after all. It's not like we can tell every detail of our civilian life." You remarked. "It's true." Ladybug agreed. "We do keep secrets, including our identities, of course."

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