XXXV | Oni-Chan

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You finished up getting ready for school, putting on your backpack and walking out your room to the kitchen where your mom stood. "Good morning, mom."

"Good morning, sweetie." Your mom responded, placing a piece of buttered toast right in front of you. "Your dad will be out in a second."

You nodded, taking bites of the toast until your dad left the room. "Good morning!" He semi yelled, walking up to your mother to give her a kiss. She placed his piece of toast in his mouth and found an empty space in his filled hands to put his lunchbox.

As you walked out the door your mom handed your lunchbox to you, along with a kiss on the forehead, "bye, Sweetie! Have a good day at school!"

"Thank you, Mom! I love you!" You sped walked with your dad to the car, opening up the backseat for him to set his work stuff down.

"If you didn't have enough time, I could've just walked to school, you know." You said, as your dad rushed in the driver's seat.

"No, no! It's fine. I'm not in a rush. Besides, I feel like we don't spend as much time together! We need to spend more time together, with your mom too." You nodded in agreement.

The car ride was silent; a comfortable silence. As you pulled up to the school front you turned to say bye to your dad. "Bye, dad." You opened the door about to out, "bye, Sweetheart, I'll see you later!" You smiled and nodded, turning back to wave at him one last time after you were already a few feet away from the car.

You noticed Nino run up to Adrien and then began walking together, as you started walking up the stairs by yourself, you felt someone grab your arm. "Lila?" You questioned, gently pulling your arm away from her.

"[Y/N]! Long time no see, huh?" She smiled innocently.

"Yeah..." Lila took a couple steps to be on the same level as you then pulled you to walk with her. "How have you been?" You asked, trying to make conversation in this awkward silence.

"I've been good! It's just... my mom wants me to go to this thing, but I can't cause I've gotten so behind on school work traveling."

"Oh, that sucks." You shrugged.

"Adrien said he'd help me, but I'd hate to bother him." Lila looked down with a sad expression on her face.

"That's unfortunate."

"Do you think you could put in a good word for me! Please, you'd be doing me a huge favor! You're his best friend, he'll definitely listen to you." Lila almost begged, pulling your arm to be close to you. Too close for your liking.

You stared at her for a second, eyes bouncing from one spot of her face to another. "I guess." You agreed.

"Oh, thank you so much, [Y/N]! You're like the friend I've never had!" Lila jumped into you, squeezing you in a tight grip hug. You felt her smiling against your shoulder until she finally let go. "Now let's go to class!"

We walked into the classroom still having about three minutes of free time. Adrien was already sitting at his desk and Lila gently brushed past you giving you a hopeful look.

You stood by Adrien's desk, "hey, Adrien!" You greeted.

Adrien smiled up at you, "[Y/N]! Hey!"

"Lila just asked if you could help her with school work. She said she's gotten behind from traveling and... she asked me if I could put in a good word for her." You told Adrien.

"Oh." Adrien turned back to Lila, who had been staring at him and immediately waved when he looked back. "Okay."

"I'm not sure about her, you know." You stated just below a whisper. Adrien nodded in agreement. "Yeah..."

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