XXXVI | Oblivio

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Your eyes slowly peeled open, confused as to where you were and who you were with. There was another girl that laid next to you, in a polka dotted outfit and two low pigtails that were tied together with red ribbon. The girl twitched, sitting up from her laying position and grabbing her head.

"Hello?" You said, causing the girl to flinch and spin around towards you. "Who are you? What happened?"

"I'm... uh, i- i don't know. I don't remember my own name!" The girl panicked.

You shut your eyes trying to remember anything, from what your name was to how'd you get to this place. "I don't remember my name either..."

Taking a look at your outfit and glancing at hers, you'd tried putting pieces together. "Maybe we were at the same costume party!"

The ring on your finger suddenly started beeping, "why is that flashing?" The girl asked, suddenly her earrings beeping as well.

"Your earrings too! We must shop at the same jewelry store!"

"Are we supposed to know each other?" The girl asked.

"I'd be surprised if we weren't. Plus, maybe something happened before we got here? We would've had to be together." Both of your rings beeped for the final time before your costumes disappeared from your body and suddenly formed two little creatures that laid on the floor exhausted.

The girl squealed, crawling over to you and slightly hiding behind you. You instinctively put your arm in front of her as if protecting her. "Aah! There are giant bugs! Mice? Bug-mice!"

The cat-like one was the first to speak up, rubbing his eyes he glanced around, "ugh, I am starving right now!"

The girl held onto you as you slowly got closer to the creature. "Hi there! What are you, exactly? Genies, maybe? Like the one from the lamp?" You picked up the cat-like one, holding him in your hands.

"If I'm a genie, where's my lamp? And, where am I? And who are you?"

The girl stayed behind you, pointing at the little red one with a single back polka dot on its face. "What was that thing doing in my earring?"

"I'm not a "thing," I'm..." it gasps, "I don't know what I am!... but I do know that I'm hungry." Finally the girl slowly came out from hiding, picking up the little creature and poking its belly.

"Aw, you poor little... no thing."

You stood up, walking towards the door of the elevator, "okay, everyone, we should stay calm right now. We've all lost our memories and we don't know why or how, but we'll figure it out."

The elevator suddenly shifted, and the light began flickering when something banged on top. The girl walked next to you, "what is it this time? We can't stay here."

The lights in the elevator completely shut off while the banging on top continued. "I couldn't agree more." you both pulled each side of the door, trying to pull them apart, to no prevail. The two beings flew through the door, then seconds later the door opened.

"Thank you!" the girl thanked, you grabbed her hand pulling her out of the elevated just as whatever was banging on the roof fell.

You each turned to look at the now dusty area, but couldn't see the creature. The door soon closed, allowing you and the girl an escape. "Let's get out of here!" you semi-yelled, reaching for the girl's hand again, as you'd let go when the crash startled you. Being palm to palm, you ran first, with the girl dragging slightly behind you due to you being faster. You made a quick turn to a stairwell where you finally let go of the girl again and ran down the stairs.

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