VII | The Evillustrator

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Class was boring as usual, more students seemed to be not focus on the lesson the teacher was giving. "Nathaniel! What are you drawing?" Ms. Mendeleiev snatched a paper from off Nathaniels desk. "These artistic endeavors are clearly why you're failing science."

"I'm sorry." Nathaniel apologized. "You go march yourself down to the principals office and show him that chicken scratch!" Nathaniel stuffed everything in his bag getting up soon after. You felt bad for the guy, ms. Mendeleiev wasn't one of your favorite teachers that's for sure; she could often be unfair with punishments over something so small. You're lucky she didn't catch you dozing off.

A loud crash brought you back to focus again, not eyeing Nathaniel on the floor. His journal slipped out of his hand landing on an open page of a drawing of him and Marinette. Chloe picked up the notebook before Nathaniel could, mocking his drawing. "Look Sabrina, it's him as a superhero. And look who he's saving, it's Marinette. He's totally got a crush on you Marinette." His face flushed red with embarrassment. "Give me that."

"Enough, Nathaniel, go!" You rolled your eyes at ms. Mendeleiev glaring at her. Nathaniel has to go to the principal for simple drawings, but it's okay for Chloe to make fun of another student? Yeah, okay.

After Nathaniel left, the teacher announced a group project project we'll be having. Unfortunately, she'd be the one picking our groups. "The next particle physics presentation group is Nino, Adrien, Alya, and [Y/N]. Sense there is an uneven number of students, their group will be the only group of four."

Marinette whispered something over to Alya, then heard who her group was. "You wouldn't be willing to trade groups with me would you?" You heard Marinette ask as you'd pass by. Nino and Adrien waited outside the room for you. You gave the two a large smile and fist bumped Nino. "Yeah, I'm glad I get to be in a group with my best buds!" You nodded along with Adrien following down to the courtyard.

Alya eventually met up with the three of you; the conversation started just purely on the project, who does what and stuff like that, then the conversation dragged out to different topics. "Well y'know, Marinette's like one of the funniest girls I know." You felt Alya sort of lean closer to you, as if she wanted a reaction. "I've talked to her a few times, and yeah she's pretty funny." You said with a smile.

"She's sweet too." You added. Alya looked taken back for a sec but quick switched to a happier mood, nodding with you. Alya looked like she wanted to say something but was interrupted by Nino. "We need some books from the library. Can someone go get them?"

"I can." You volunteered. Nino and Adrien told you which books they needed then let you go get them.

As you were looking for the books you needed, you couldn't help but hear the conversation between Marinette and her group. Her group being Chloe and Sabrina. Marinette looked stressed, lightly rubbing her temples while Sabrina and Chloe talked- or argued her ear off. In the end, Chloe tried bribing Sabrina with a beret.

You wanted to walk up to Marinette, hopefully cheer her up or calm her down a bit. Dozens of berets fell on Chloe, then a giant hair dryer started following her around. When you looked up you saw a not so normal looking citizen glaring down I Chloe. You wen to a more private area to transform.

When you landed on the upstairs level of the library, Ladybug already had her yoyo wrapped around the hair dryer, pulling it away from Chloe. She was struggling to keep the dryer tame, riding it like a horse. You jumped to hoping knock her off, but just nearly missed. Ladybug swung her yoyo at a pole going around in circles til the dryer fell. It then disappeared; you looked up noticing the same person from earlier with the pad and pen. "That guy looks pretty sketchy."

He ran away when you and Ladybug jumped he was. He turned around drawing something then continued to escape. You crashed into the wall along with Ladybug. "Where'd he go?" Ladybug asked. You stood up, offering a hand to help Ladybug up too. "I don't know but he sure has a way of illustrating his point."

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