Special | Halloween Party

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Alya recently sent out invitations to a Halloween party she was holding at a small party place rented out for the occasion

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Alya recently sent out invitations to a Halloween party she was holding at a small party place rented out for the occasion. It didn't take you a long time to get what you needed for your costume.

You decided to be Lindsay Weir, from the show Freaks and Geeks. You put on a navy green jacket with a striped collared shirt underneath, along with loose dark brown jeans. The last part of your costume was a dark cross shoulder bag with a single flower in the middle that was the closest you could find to her bag.

You put a mini bag in the cross shoulder bag to hold all the cheese for Plagg, but made sure to leave it open so he could get some as he pleases. You put everything else you thought you might need while you were out and exited your room making sure Plagg was already in your bag. It was already almost five pm, and the party was planned to last from five pm to eleven pm.

You walked in the living room showing off your costume to your parents. Your mom gave you a supportive thumbs up, getting off the couch to stand in front of you. "Have fun at the party!" She squealed, giving you a hug. Your dad stayed on the couch, only waving and smiling at you. "Text or call us if you need anything." He told you. You hummed. "Of course I will."

"Bye, mom! Bye, dad!" you grabbed your house keys walking out the house. You decided to walk to the party since it wasn't a long ways away.

You put your headphones on, listening to music to make the walk faster. The walk took you fifthteen minutes total. When you walked inside a few people were already there.

Alya was Ladybug, and beside her was her sidekick Nino, though he was only wearing a black outfit with cat ears. You thought it was cute.

Alya walked up to you with a joyful look. "Hey, [Y/N]! Who are you dressed as?" She asked. You pulled up a picture on your phone. "I'm Lindsay from Freaks and Geeks." she nodded, then gestured to the party. "Well, I'm glad you could make it to my party. I hope you have fun."

"Boo!" Someone jumped behind you. You flinched, turning around to see who had scared you. Alix took off her mask laughing. You softly punched her shoulder, laughing with her. "Wow, Alix. You got me." You said snarkily.

Surprisingly, Lila was also at the party dressed in a fox costume. She stood near the drink station talking to Kim and Max. Kim was in a football uniform, while Max was dressed as a doctor from Doctor Who.

You stood with Alix, talking to her until more people showed up. A couple minutes later, Mylene and Ivan showed up. They were dressed as Buttercup and Wesley from The Princess Bride. Both also have very cute costumes.

Marinette entered the room not too long after them. She wore a beautiful flowy pink and white dress and fairy wings on the back, and pink eye makeup.

You straightened your back waiting for Alya to talk to Marinette first. Alya walked Marinette to the food table, closer to where you were. Mariette looked at you, the ground, then back at you. You wandered over to Marinette, looking down at her with a smile. "Hey, Marinette!" You started.

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