III | The Bubbler

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The alarm on your phone rang, causing you groan and rub your eyes sleepily. Plagg stayed knocked out on his little bed area you made him on your nightstand. You decided to let him sleep for a little while longer, just until you were ready. You set a reminder on your phone to let you know it was Adrien's birthday today. You wanted to leave the house a little earlier so you could stop somewhere to get Adrien a gift.

You nudged Plagg for him to get up so you could leave. He groaned, laying himself out just staring at you. You rolled your eyes picking him up and setting him in his fanny pack, with some extra cheese in there, of course.

When you walked out into the living room your mom greeted you with a kiss on the cheek. "Leaving already?" You nodded. "I got to get a gift. It's my friend's birthday." She waved bye walking you to the door. "Bye dad!" You yelled hoping he'd hear from their room. You heard a faint "bye!" Come from your parents room and smiled.

Okay, hmm. What should I get? You thought, looking at a variety of anime figures. You recently found out Adrien liked anime, so you thought to get him something related to that. You grabbed the figure you personally thought looked best and bought it. While still in the store, you put the figure in a decorative birthday bag and put a couple papers to cover it.

You walked up to Adrien and Nino smiling at the two. "Happy Birthday!" You called putting Adrien into half a hug. He softly smiled at you, taking the bag you offered. "Thank you, [Y/N]."

Nino on the other hand looked more upset. You tilted your head raising a brow at him. "What's the matter, Nino?"

"Adrien's old man won't let him have a birthday party." Your eyes widened now feeling a little upset yourself, since you knew Adrien was really looking forward to having one. "I mean cmon, doesn't he remember when he was our age and having parties."

Adrien shook his head. "No, I'm pretty sure he was a downer back then, too." He frowned. "At least I tried."

"It's your bday dude! Insist!" Nino preached. From the corner of your eye you could see Marinette and Alya's head peeking from the wall by the staircase.

You slowly crept over wanting to scare the two. You quickly jumped at them from the other side of the wall. They both jumped, Marinette jumped a little harder than Alya. Alya's became a smirk as she looked up at you. "Hey, [Y/N]!" She greeted. You waved and smiled at her.

You walked on the other side of the wall so be on the same side at the two. You held out your hand to help Marinette back on her feet. "Sorry, Marinette." You apologized.

Her face seemed to become flushed with pink. "Y-[Y/N]!" She nearly yelled, startling you. She slowly reached out to take your hand, and you pulled her back up. "Are you okay?" You asked, just in case.

"I'm okay now that you're here- I mean, I'm okay, thank you!" Marinette muttered the first part to herself, so you could hardly tell what she said. You just shrugged it off noticing a wrapped gift on the floor. "Oh, is this for Adrien?" Marinette had a big and awkward smile on her face nodding quickly. You picked it up and handed it back to Martinette.

"Cmon." You grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her towards Adrien. Her face became more red, looking like she was about to pass out. Alya giggled watching the two of you. You were confused, assuming Marinette had a crush on Adrien or just gets embarrassed easily.

When you got back to Adrien Marinette hid the gift behind her waving at the boys. "Hey!" She said rather quickly. "Hey..." Adrien awkwardly waved back. "I... Um.. got you a gift-"

"Out of my way!" Chloe pushed Marinette to the side, knocking her into you. You both fell to the ground with Marinette on top. When she realized, she immediately sat back up. "Ahh! Sorry so I'm! I mean, I'm so sorry!" You laughed at Marinette while standing back up. "No worries. I'm okay."

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