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Jana's POV:

I smile at Kyle as I tip water, freezing cold water, over his head. He splutters and gasps.
We've taken to waking each other up in the funniest ways, for example yesterday I woke up in bed with Kieran and Charlene, who are taking the opportunity to take a holiday.
I giggle madly as he screams in his lovely Scottish voice-- wait... I mean, harsh Scottish accent. I really did mean harsh!
He sits up and splashes me, soaking my pj shorts. He then reaches up and grabs me, hugging me tightly, crushing the air from my lungs and getting the rest of me soggy.
'Ky! It looks like I've wet myself!' I laugh.
He grins, like a mischevious elf, and says: 'Ah, but you did as well! Ugh, you couldn't hold it in!'
I glare jokingly and he pretends to cower.
Then his eyes sparkle and I know a purile joke is coming. And, here it is.
He snickers. 'I made you wet!' I flick more water at him and stalk out of his room.


Freya's POV:

I stand on the balcony with Pete and smile as we see Kyle, soaking wet for some reason, come and sit on his in the building across from us.
Pete reaches an arm around me, tickling my neck, the only place that makes me laugh, and I squirm into his side, digging in my bony elbows.
'Ouch!' he gasps, putting a wounded expression on. I count five seconds before it drops into his usual cheeky grin.
'Silly Peter!' I ruffle his messy morning hair, winding curls around my fingers.
He sighs, leaning into me.
'Why so mardy, Petey?' I snuggle in too.
He sighs again, and I hear him open his mouth and close it again.
'It's just... So much has happened... Nowt's the same anymore! You lot are,' he sighs. 'You lot have been through so much, and Ev's gettin' married, for Gods sake, and Josh is drinking every other night, and Ross is off with your Iz every day, going into town, and everything's changing! I just don't know where I fit in now, or the band...'
My heart pangs and I look up at him.
'Pete, love... Jesus. I don't know what to say... I feel the same, but...' I run a hand through my hair, and he grabs it, beginning to protest, but I continue. 'Just stay afloat. No matter what, just survive. It'll be raet.'
He draws back and smiles again.
'Ta darlin'! Now, breakfast?' I laugh and whack his stomach, trying not to notice how well he'd filled out, and we go inside.

****next day****

Kyle's POV:

I wake up early today, and brush my teeth, getting rid of the sleepy taste.
I laugh as I creep slowly into Janas room. I am armed with nothing.
This is going to be the best prank ever.

Jana's POV:

I feel a soft pressure on my chest and the materess on either side of my head dips.
I groan, swatting lazily at the thing hovering above me---
My eyes fly open and I scream, seeing Kyles brown eyes open wide above my head, and sweep his arms out, trying to roll, but
Kyle falls before I can move and his lips are on mine.
My eyes are even wider and his are like dinner plates. I can feel his heart beating hard and fast over mine.
Then I realise we're technically kissing and I push him off, ignoring the tingle on my mouth, the memory of that slight pressure.
I also ignore that I didn't mind; not one bit.

'I'm so sorry I just meant to creep you out, I didn't want to take advantage of you Jana, I swear, God, I'm sorry!' he bursts out, eyes still big as the moon. I resist the urge to touch my lips and nod.
Well what am I meant to say? What do you do in this situation? He nods back and sprints from the room, flushing furiously.
I press my face on the cool glass balcony door and it swings out.
I walk into the clear air and my hand touches my tingly lips. That was not how I expected to wake up, but I didn't mind. And that's what scares me most.


How was it my munchkins!!! Aw. Jyle? Kana? So exciting. Hope you all enjoyed, have a good day.
Byee xx

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