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Freyas POV:

I looked, cautious, at the girl.

She had wild, curly brown hair, in thick curls and ringlets, springing all over. Her eyes were large and brown, slightly scared. I searched them for a lie--But didn't find one.

She smiled with pretty white teeth, unlike mine which had a small gap between the front two.

I let her get up, still honding the knife at her.

She looked me in the eye as she said: 'I know a way. Flint trusts me: I can get you out. Follow me.'

'Why? Why would you help?' I hissed.

'You... My sister was in the same position a few years ago. I didn't help her. Besides, we're the same age!' she smiled again, but her eyes were so sad...

'Right... But if you are lying, I will hunt you down and kill you slowly!' I warned.

She said nothing, but crooked her finkers, gesturing for me to follow her. And, uncertain of the future, I had done.

Hey guys, I'm updating more regularly huh? I have an enormous science project to do. :( uuugh why?! Okay byee xx.

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