Jesus Christ!

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Kyles POV:

I glanced over at the girl on my daybed. We'd all driven home silently last night after breaking out the girls. It turned out that we didn't exactly need the lads. Which was s***.
Ah well.

I look at her again, at Mor--Jana, with dark eyes and dark hair and tanned skin.
She is more beautiful than words. She wants words like those from... Ten... Tenny... Tennyson? People awesome from ages ago, I don't know.
I sigh and strum my guitar aimlessly. I don't know if I like Freya like that anymore. She obviously doesn't like me in that way.
Jesus ****ing Christ.
She seems more of a friend. Jesus, I'm so fickle.
Jeeesus. Jeeeeeeesuus. Shut up, Ky.

When I next look up at her from my music, she is propped up on her elbow, looking right back.
I jump when I meet her cold, dark eyes. She reminds me of a sparrow, all bones and fragility. I pour her a cup of sugary hot chocolate and hand it to her.
Her arm trembles as she strains herself to lift it up.
She's weak with malnutrition.
'Hey, hey, not too much: you'll make yourself sick!' I say, smiling.
I know that Jana and I never really got on... She was uptight about me being an alchoholic... But I haven't drank since two days, which is great for me.

'I don't need help from men like you!' Jana sneers.
'You don't exactly have the best taste in men though do you?' I sneer back, hurt.
'Oh, and I suppose you're everything I could want in a man, let's see... Hmmm... Egotistical, drunken, you smoke, you're covered in tatoos, you're crude, rude, unhygenic and stupid. What more could I want in a man, Kyle? Maybe some common sense!' and she slams the coaco down, throws of the blanket and stalks out.
I grab my jacket. The brat.
Strangely, I don't blame her for thinking those things; she doesn't know me...
I still want to hug the beautiful, fiesty girl with dark ees and sparrow like features.

I groan... Jeesus! Why is Freya's family so... Ugh! I storm out and go for a quick fag... When I remember:
You smoke...
The disdain in her words, the spite flying from her tongue... The way her pink lips formed the words... Her lips...
God. I go to the park and sit in the drizzle until it's in my bones and I'm drenched.

Still I sit there, thinking about Jana.

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