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Joshs POV:

Uh... This cold... Sore throat... Blocked nose... Pounding head...
Oh no my nose is running, no no nooo!
I get up and run to the bathroom for tissues, but there's not even toilet roll, and I need to go and buy some medicine.

Why don't I ask the girl downstairs for some? I've seen her around, she's pretty...
I know that she has pretty red hair with a full fringe, and she is sporty and cute, but I don't actually know her.

I smirk... She won't know what's hit her when Josh McClorey flirts.

Abby's POV:

I pull a face at the mirror as it shows me my uncooporitive fringe and grab my black, square framed glasses. They make me look like a nerd, but oh well.

I grab my sport bag and shove my feet into some trainers, putting ny hair up in a ponytail and locking my door. Just then, I hear a bang and some symbals clash from the appartment above me. It doesn't help my bad mood.
I stomp up the stairs, two at a time, ready to give those people a piece of my mind. They'd been banging on those drums non-stop--albiet talentedly... But that wasn't the--
I am knocked into and sent flying by the force of our collision. A hand is stretched out to me.
'Dorry about dat! Im Josh--' and he sneezes heavily, three times, in my face.
'Um, dorry again. By name's Josh McClorey, dow are you?' he smiles sheepishly, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.
I glare at him, and continue upstairs to yell at 'Josh' s room mate. He tags along, and I ingnore him and his mumbled apologies.

Joshs POV:

Ah s***. Well done, Josh. Great way to make an impression.
Send her flying then sneeze on her.
Wow. She must love me!
I tip my head back to stop my nose running as I follow the angry, red haired girl, ignoring the fact that her sports back is banging into my chest. She stops outside of our appartment and knocks loudly.
I hear footsteps, and Pete opens it. Freya stands behind him, looking tired.
'Yeah? Oh, hi Josh!' Pete smiles.
'Excuse me, but I live underneath you, and can you please tell whoever does that damned drumming to quit it!' she snaps. 'I barely got any sleep last night!'
Evan sticks his head around the door.
'Sorry, that would be me. I'll play quieter, but I need to practise. We're in a band, you see.'
She almost growls, before saying: 'Fine!' and stomping off.
I hastily follow her, my head pounding, and tap her on the shoulder.
She turns around and asks me very harshly what I want.
'Just some medcine and tissues... We've but ran out!' I say, raising my hands in surrendor.
She sighs and unlocks her door.
'Come in then.'


Later, when she reappears, and I've had my medicine, she's changed out of sport clothes into a band tee; The Who, and some torn jeans.
'Do you play footie, then?' I ask.
'Yeah!' she smiles, but then her face falls. 'I missed todays match though, what with the commotion.'
'I play too, so I know how you feel... Here, I know it's not much, but you can come to our next concert for nothing!' I say, handing her tickets.
She laughs, 'You just carry them around with you?'
'Ah, you never know when you might have an excuse to give a beautiful lady a backstage pass!' I wink. That's more like it!
She grins, and I say goodbye. I could have stayed for longer but short and sweet.

Freyas POV:

Ugh, I'm too tired. This girl has a point. Between Evans dum playing and Petes continuous elbowing me, I barely slept last night.
I fell asleep after visiting Pete, and he picked me up and put me on his bed because we were sitting on the floor, but then he too got into bed, and squished me!
So yeah, no sleep.
Pete holds out some coffee, creamy and rich, just how I like it, and I grin. He is lovely, for all of last nights uncomfortablity.

Hey! How are you all? Good, I hope. Did you enjoy this?
Oooh, who do you ship?
In fact, I'm gonna make that qotd.

Q.O.T.D: who do you ship with all the band members? Like, each of them.
Byee xx

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