Home Again

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Evans POV:

God... She just collapsed.
Gone, before I could ask her why...
Her cheek is red. It has been slapped twice.
Her hair is so short... She's so thin... This isn't the same girl I loved.
Hopefully this makes it easier to accept that I don't love her. She was my past; Monica is my future.

This girl infront of me is not Freya. She has had too much of her innocence stripped from her.
What must have happened?

Her green ees flicker open and she jerks in a wild thrash of motion to twist Pete's arm and swing herself over, her knee on his throat.
She sees that it's Pete, who's been reviving her for a few minutes with water and slaps, and relaxes, letting out a shaky breath.

'Sorry.' she says, her voice hoarse.
Pete gasps and grins, says: 'Ee! Remind me not to get on your bad side!'

Freyas face is blank... She doesn't look like a girl whos just met the people she loves for the first time in four years.

Then I realise this is her default reaction. Turn it off or you'll burn yourself.

Freyas POV:

I see the hurt already in Pete's eyes intensify before he grins and says something stupid.
His first priority is still making sure people are okay by joking.

I feel awful... So I do the only thing acceptable.
I begin to explain.

Ross' POV:

When she explains, her face flickers ever now and then. I feel so bad when she finishes.
It wasn't like me to slap her.
I take off my shades and apologise.
'I didn't realise how much you've been through... Sorry?'

'Sure,' she says easily.
Phew... So, she wants our help... To rescue her sisters.

Behind her, a group of people are looking sad. I guess it's the first time they've heard the story too.
I look again at the group. I enjoy watching people.
There is a guy with wild hair who looks like he's about to leap infront of Freya to protect her, but I'm guessing she doesn't see this or reapprociate.
There is a woman with sunglasses on holding hands with a guy with floppy brown hair and he's tossing a plectrum.
There is a girl with frizzed up ringlets who looks concerned, I'd say a friend.
A man with a jesus beard and tatoos, here for the wild haired guy--I think Freya called the big hair guy Kyle?

Freyas phone pings and she looks at it, her eyes almost imperceptably widening.

'Flint!' she hisses.
Just then, as I register the weird look on the curly girls face, ten men burst in, all with guns, followed by a cruel looking man with an eye patch.

'Flint,' Freya repeats. 'Nice eye patch,'
'Your b**** of a sister gave me this... Morna!'
Then he sees the curly haired girl and he mouths a name... Amy?
He strides across and she has that expression, like a mixture of sorrow and hope and disgust and -- love...

He seems to hesitate, and turns around. But Kyle has picked up a guitar and is swinging it into the back of his head. Flints eyes roll up and he flops back onto Amy.
She kisses his forhead and lays him down. The rest of the men have no idea what to do and Freya and her group sprint at the door. We follow.

Amys POV:

I missed him. Weird, the cold, harsh man, who killed my sister... But I really missed him.
He had the same expression, but now... Yeah, I'll not be able to see.

As I sprint, he grabs my ankle. I gaps and fall over.
'I'm not high,' he whispers before kissing me softly on the cheek. My head is woozy and I say: 'Good...'

He picks me up and we are in a car.

Kyles POV:

In one of Flint's men's car (Keiran had nicked the keys) there is a programed Sat-Nav and I decide to follow it.

I pull up outside a warehouse in Manchestor a while later.

We sneak inside slowly, and open all the doors we pass. There is no one here...
I open the last door on my right and there is a girl, painfully thin, with a heavy fringe and browny green eyes. Her cheek bones are poking out like twigs and her breaths are shallow. It's Morna.
Her arm is bleeding, and I pick it up. She lets out a whoosh of air and I see the marks.

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