✍︎︎Support and Reassurance- Suga

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You wait for practice to end but it's clear your in major pain, your left jaw is swollen and your right jaw is getting there. You have been living on pain killers and your boyfriend Sugawara Koushi is not happy about it, you told him you couldn't go to the dentist they are to expensive but he only gives you a knowing stare. You are scared you haven't been in so long and you never liked them anyway. Today Koushi convinced you to go to the dentist but you refused to go without him which lands you here holding your aching jaw while practice wraps up.
"O-ow.." you mumble

"ALRIGHT GOOD JOB, NOW CLEAN UP AND GO HOME" coach Ukai yells. High fives along with the usual antics of the first years start but thankfully Koushi can leave with you.

"F/n-chan it will be okay, you need to get this problem checked out before it gets worse." Koushi slips his hand into yours as you both walk into the dentist office.

"L/N F/N" your boyfriend tells the reseptionest. She looks up from her computer first looking at him then you.

"New patient?" She asks you nod

"Alright just fill this out, it isn't much and once you are done bring it back and we will see you" the reseptionest smiles and places a clip board with your document papers you must fill out you give Koushi a glare as you grab a pen and take a seat him sitting beside you. You hate paperwork.. but your boyfriend doesn't get effected by your glare he only smiles and stays by your side.

"Done" you say abit well oddly due to your swollen jaw. Koushi takes the clip board up to the reseptionest for you then comes back to sit down but never gets the chance when your name is called. Your body stiffens and Koushi has to almost pry you from your seat. He was aloud to come with you and you were relieved.
"It's not uncommon we get adults who are fritened too." The assistant smiles. "Alright sit here please." She gestures to the dentist chair, even looking at it creeps you at but Koushi gently strokes your arm and you feel instant comfort. You take your seat and the assistant places a bib like thing around your neck. Koushi stands out of the way but still giving you a reassuring smile.

"Ah, Ms. L/N I see you are having some trouble with your teeth." You can only think "duh I wouldn't be here otherwise it's a dentist office"  
"Alright" the dentist leans back your chair and once he has done he has a view to enspect but you have to open your mouth.

"It might be painful but you have to open your mouth, you don't have to open too wide I know you are in pain so just enough for me to have a look okay?" The dentist was actually quite nice and you nodded to him letting him know you understood. You couldn't open your mouth that much but the dentist carful made it work for his look see.
"Hm, okay I'm going to stick this white soft stick into your mouth, bite down and tell me where it is the most tender. " he places it in three spots the third one you wince he nods knowing the answer to the question he was going to ask himself.

"In the back correct?" He asks and Koushi answers for you.

"Yes sir, this has went on for 4 days she refused to come so she used ice packs and pain pills to last longer, I was thankfully able to convince her last night. She is abit stubborn" the dentist listen carfully to Koushi but when you heard him call you stubborn your glare did not come unnoticed.

"Well it's a good thing you have such a great young man in your life Ms L/N going about with the method of just ice packs and pain pills isn't wise you have a infection obviously and we need to look into it more with x rays which we should start right away." The dentist looks to his assistant as if giving her the instruction.

"Alright follow me to this machine right here, now I need you to put your mouth here and bite down in the groove with your front teeth, take a swollow, place your tounge at the roof of your mouth, hands on the handles in front of you and last please stay still." Although it was a lot to take in you did as you were instructed, thankfully their was a device holding your head in place or you would be in good shape, after all you could have sworn you were on your tippy toes when she rose the machine. Once done with that you were greatful, you Koushi and the assistant walk back to the room the dentist saw you in. Koushi gave your hand a squeeze "your doing great F/N-chan" again his worlds are reassuring. You sit back in the chair and look at the results, fair to say you have no idea what you are looking at but it's true it's a bit odd. The dentist comes back to look him self.

"I see, there is some decay there on that tooth in particular" He points too the tooth on the x ray.

"I will prescribe antibiotics but this has to be delt with as soon as possible. A root canal would be better than pulling the tooth due to your age. I suggest a root canal before I'd suggest the other. The lady's up front will take care of the rest.

Koushi had to practically carry you upfront, both of those things sound awful! But when you looked at the price you almost died.

"I can't pay that.." you say in shock. This time Koushi agrees the reseptionest sees your worry.

"My son is about your age and he had the same problem, we had his pulled and for free. I probably shouldn't recommend you to another dentist office but I know it is painful so take this card it has everything you need. Since your visit wasn't time consuming the cost of today isn't bad so allow me to pay for it, it is only 30 besides you will be on a soft food diet for awhile to come, save your money for groceries." You hand tears in your eyes, how kind of this woman knowingly doing this yet also knowing she could lose her job, Koushi and you thanked her more than once and made your way home.

"Thank you" you intwine your hands with Koushis he smiles and kisses your temple.

"Always F/N-chan. Now lets get your antibiotics and go home, I'll ask Daichi to go shopping for us, after all I am going to be the one taking care of you." He smiles softly, you lean on his shoulder and hmm "I love you my amazing reassuring supportive boyfriend"

"I love you too F/N-chan."

"Even when I'm going to have a even swollen face and you can't make out with me?" You look at him with teary eyes. A red tent covers his cheeks. "O-of course!!"
You really do love him.

__ I had this inspiration on a event I found out I need a root canal but it's expensive so now I have to get this tooth pulled. It hurts and my jaw is swollen I did add different stuff for the story so I hope you enjoyed it!<— wrote a few years ago. I got no teeth now.

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