Daichi x Reader

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(This one's not that great)

You and Daichi have been married for over 5 years now and life has gotten fuller. Daichi is a police officer and you? you stay home and clean and wait for Daichi to come home. you take anti psycotics to ease your mental illness that at times seems to control your life. if it wasnt for daichi you feel you would lose reality.

"F/N, its 6am time for you to take your medication."

your husband always makes sure you take them at a certain time and that you take them. you have had mental issues all your life so taking 7 different ones eachday and night felt almost normal. Daichi was your highschool crush and eventually boyfriend. he took your secrets and your issues to heart and only wanted you to be happy. he never judged you, not once.

"How are you feeling today?" he asks you over the phone on his break.

"Im just fine, i miss you though."

Daichi is your rock and knowing hes out there protecting people like he does you everyday makes you happy but worried.

"Im so worried one day somthings gonna happen to you Daichi!"

your dreams only further your worry. Daichi takes a seat beside you on the couch and pulls you close kissing your temple.

"Why spend your time worring? im here."

at times you wonder if he could even relate in the slightest to your mentle illness but you know he cant.


"i couldnt stop him from hitting that little girl F/N! it was terrieble. i see it over and over again in my head and its like a dull pain." Daichi had witnessed somthing terrible on the job and it haunted his dreams nightly.

you came to realize daichi's dreams and terrors werent to far off from your own. Daichi was diagnosed with post dramatic stress disorder and can no longer work. He refused to take medication. somhow all he needed was you, when things would get bad your touch helped him.

"Thank you Daichi for being my Rock.. after everythying life has thrown at us we are stronger than before."

Daichi places a kiss on your lips

"I'll always be there for you."

You smile softly "I know, and I you."

Daichi accepted you with your issues and took them in as his own. He has always been there for you and you him one things for sure you'll never be without eachother. Until the day you die.

❦ℋ𝒶𝒾𝓀𝓎𝓊𝓊 ℒℴ𝓋ℯ 𝒮ℯ𝓃𝒶𝓇𝒾ℴ𝓈❦ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now