Chapter 24

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Hello! Sorry it's a day late, but Happy Monday to you all! Hope you enjoy this chapter :] It's not edited so apologies for mistakes. Enjoy

Chapter 24


"You're starting to smell," Penny points out passing me a sandwich. At some point in the last week, she's become the go between. She comes and sits with me, keeping me company in Chase's room, while I wait for him to wake up. Because he will wake up.

"Maybe my stench will be strong enough he has to wake up," I point out to the kid wryly. I open up the wrapped sandwich and study it with a frown. "Just peanut-butter?" I ask. "No jelly."

"Don't look at me," she holds her hands up defensively. "Your dad said if you want good food you need to leave and eat with the rest of the group." She pauses and then mumbles. "He also said maybe you should partake in planning the next attacks... or do something besides sit in here."

Chase's condition hasn't changed much. He's breathing on his own now though and his wounds are healing over, still slow but better than before. But he hasn't woken up. Dr. Williams, and even Heathrow, seems more confident that he will wake up... they just don't know when.

There haven't been any other attacks, though the San Francisco story still tops the news. Most of the Supernaturals rescued from the labs are beginning to get back on their feet. Many are even beginning to train. And others are coming in. We take all under the condition they must train. If we want a chance at winning, we have to have a bigger army. No one's complained about it so far, in fact, from what I hear, everyone seems eager to be involved. Since the president basically declared a free-for-all on Supernaturals, no one feels safe in their lives anymore and there's been an influx of people inhabiting this place. We're at a point now where people are having to double and triple bunk. No single rooms are left.

"Can we try again?" I ask.

The seven year-old gives me the gentle look that adults typically give small children when they are about to break bad news. I'm sure her mother used to give her that same look.

"I don't think it'll work," she says. "It didn't work yesterday, or the day before that..."

Penny hasn't been able to call Chase to her dreams, something she's been trying to do with me all week to no avail. She's still not able to go into other people's dreams, bridging that gap will take a bit more practice, I think. But something about Chase isn't cooperating. Maybe his sleep is too deep. That's what I like to believe. The other option is that his mind is no longer really there.

"Let's try it tomorrow," she says instead. "I have a good feeling about tomorrow."

She's just humoring me. Yep. I'm being humored by a child. Granted, she's not really a child anymore. Any hope of childhood was ripped from her months ago. She no longer talks about finding her mother because she no longer thinks it's a possibility. She doesn't cry like you'd expect a child to and she wants to help. Penny has insisted on being apart of the strategy meetings and has been allowed so that she can relay information back to me. Really though, she wants to be out there fighting.

"Ok, we'll do tomorrow," I agree though I'd rather try today... and again tomorrow should that not work.

"They want to go for D.C. next," Penny says.

"That's what we had talked about before," I agree. Prior to the attacks, we had come up with a list of cities to follow should there be a need. The capitol tops that list. San Francisco was like a warning, but the next won't be. We won't hold back even a little.

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