Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

As I regain my balance, my eyes open to what looks like miles of boring, flat, farmland. Welcome to Oklahoma. In the distance, looking rather out of place is the facility. And this one, unlike where I was in the dessert, really is just the facility not a whole military base. Though it has a nice, large fence around it and I imagine it's still very well guarded. We're about a mile off and though it's morning, the sun hasn't fully lit up the earth, so we won't be spotted from our positioning.

With a brief wish of luck, Arlo disappears and in the same instant, I cloak Chase and I to keep us hidden from the humans. His hand squeezes mine in what I'm sure is supposed to be a supportive manner but comes off more nervous than confident. For all Chase's gravitas and the fear he can instill in others, he's still just a person. Of course coming back here, to this place would bring with it some residual fears. Last time he set foot through here, he nearly died. Almost lost everything. I squeeze his hand back, confident enough for the both of us.

A quick chat with Carson revealed that yes, they've been keeping the fetuses alive for as long as they can, though most seem to die within a month of being taken from their mother – too young to survive the outside world even with the advanced equipment in the labs and the fact that Supernatural babies are so much stronger than humans.

A few have made it, though. Not more than a handful, Carson thinks, but he never actually got in the room to know for sure. All of his information was nothing more than gossip. Gossip that we have to take as truth and hope is truth. And the word floating around the lab was that some of them survived long enough to become babies.

Enough that there's a nursery in the facility.

"We're just checking it out, right?" Chase questions, double checking that I have no plans to go off-book.

"Right. Just confirming the information. In and out. No one will even know we're here." I force a smile because the thought of confirming this information as truth and then turning around and then just leaving seems wrong on so many levels. But there are still enough soldiers and personnel here that doing anything without backup would be more than a little insane.

So today is nothing more than gathering evidence. And yeah, I already checked. Leaving with one of the infants does not count as evidence and isn't something we should do today. Anything that major could tip the humans off and convince them to shut down the project for deniability. Shut down. A nice way of saying, murder the babies. Yes, murder the very same babies they took from Supernatural women and kept alive using unnatural and God knows unethical methods and then experimented and studied for the last several months.

No. We don't want to risk them shutting down this project.

So pictures and information it is. No rescuing. No killing. No revealing ourselves.

I can totally manage.


Not everyone, including the vampire holding my hand, is completely convinced of that though.

No one was exactly thrilled to let the two most emotionally invested of us come on this mission alone, but there wasn't a lot of choice. Since the initial attack on DC, things have all been happening rather quickly and remaining in a state of near chaos. Organized chaos. Good chaos. Well, good for us. The humans might argue the accuracy of the word good.

Beckett has successfully established our presence in DC and though the president and his important peers have remained well hidden, he's had brief but indirect contact. It's been enough to open a line of communication though, one that will hopefully lead to an end to all of this. Because that is all we really want. A treaty- a real treaty- establishing peace.

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