cake: bully's can be fun sometimes part 7

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be ready for a long a-ss chapter, with a bit of smut at the end. how would you guys feel about a one off mashton fluffy smut ? comment yes or no

enjoy ;)


I am falling for that blonde noodle quickly and surely.

calums pov

Maths went by slowly because I'm so exited for what Luke is going to ask me, my entire body is shaking with anticipation. The slow hour that i was sat in the back of maths for ended up in every glowing set of eyes turning round to stare at me a few times a minute. When the teacher wasn't looking various people would run over to me asking questions on me and Luke's relationship. I would just reply with "yes" "no" or "fu-ck off" in the end Michael stood up and shooed all the eager weirdoes away back to their seat to continue gossiping about me.

I don't care what people say about me, I'm gay and happy about it. I could tell people were talking about me because once in a while they would look at me through the corner of their eye. There is no way I'm letting stupid hormonal people split me and Luke apart. They are lucky Ashton isn't here if he was he would snap them in half with his huge biceps.

"class dismissed" my teacher yelled over all the mumbling as the bell rang echoing through the halls "Calum don't listen to what they say, only worry about what makes you happy" i hear the teacher say again as i walk through the door trudging onto next lesson, which is history, Ashton is in my lesson and i sit next to him.

Michael made his way off to geography which leaves me standing on my own outside of my lesson. I clutch my backpack straps as i get more dirty looks off of passing students.

"What do you think you are looking at you dumb sh-its" i hear a familiar voice say.


My cheeks redden at the thought of us. When i look up i can see the blonde boy standing a few centimetres taller than me. He leans down leaving a sweet kiss on my lips letting it linger making me crave more of him.

"Hey sweetheart" he says looking into my eyes with lust and passion.

"Hey Lukey" my mouth says back. Luke's face edges towards mine not kissing me but leaning his forehead on mine, both of our eyes closed enjoying the moment.

"You two are so cute stop it" Ashton says holding his hands over his mouth. Who knew the muscular rebel of the school has a soft spot.

"Get a room fags" someone yells over at me and my lover. The best friends look at each over Ashton nods his head and he leaves me walking over to the random person who insulted us.

A few seconds later i hear "I'm sorry ok chill" as the person begs, as he is being intimidated by the tallest and toughest guys in the school.

"Im back don't listen to him, he'll never say anything to you again don't worry about it" i nod and nuzzle my head into the taller boys chest smelling his light aftershave that makes me smell like him.

Luke had to leave for his lesson so I and Ashton stood talking about various subjects just getting to know each over. I'm glad me and ash get on well because it means he can sit with me Mikey and Luke at lunch without it being awkward.

We get told to go inside the room so me and ash located our seats at the back of the class at the far corner on the right. That lesson went so fast, i found out that ash has a crush on Mikey and he wants me to talk to him about him.

Lunch was next to come, my palms are sweaty. I don't get any more comments off of people because they are all scared sh-it less of Ashton no one can beat him in a fight. When i walked over to my normal seat Michael and Luke are talking. I Love how all of us get on really well. I and Luke sit on one side while ash and Mikey sit on the other side, they are sat very closely.

I am talking with all of them facing Michael talking about what colour he is going to dye his hair next, i feel a pair of hands grab my face and pull it towards his lips connecting them in a slow passionate kiss. Luke pulls back and stares into my eyes for the second time that day; he begins twiddling with his thumbs obviously nervous

"Um Calum will you be my boyfriend" my heart does a back flip

"You don't even have to ask dipsh-it" i hear Luke giggle in a way i have never heard before and he pulls me into a tight hug. I felt the table shift because Ashton i shifting in his seat. What's wrong with him?

"Mikey ireallyreallylikeyou" i hear ash mumble quicker than anyone can catch it"

"Slow down ash say it again" Mikey laughs UN aware of what has just been said

Ash took a deep breath grabbed the colourful boys hand and begins speaking.

"Michael Clifford i really really like you, i know i have been a absolute ass hole in the past but can you forgive me and give me one chance by going out on a date with me?"

Michael is speechless he is gay 100%, but he has never been with another guy before. He may look like a punk rocker with multi coloured but deep down he is a little kitten who is also a virgin the furthest he has gone is a kiss. I hope Michael says yes them two are perfect for each over.

"Yes Ashton, yes i forgive you" the two sit there hand in hand leaning forward closer and closer UN sure if the other is going to do what the other is planning to do. Its obvious Michael got tired of waiting so he grabbed a handful of Ashtons tank top pulling him in quickly and stopped before pushing his head forward and capturing Ashtons sweet lips in his.

While the opposite couple are in a full on make out session Luke keeps touching my thigh under the table leaving finger traces running up and down my toned legs

"Lukey stop it I'll get a boner, you are teasing me" i whisper but Luke ignores me and carries on. My boxers suddenly become tight and with the added friction it isn't going away any time soon.

"I said stop Luke" yet again he acts as if nothing's going on under the table carrying on talking to Mikey. To muffle my moans i bite down hard on my lip hoping no is watching.

"Cal cum for me" Luke whispers in my ear biting down on my ear lobe pulling on it a little bit.

"I want you to ride me, my pretty little cowboy. Imagine my di-ck deep inside of you as you rock back and forth shouting out my name as you pump you co-ck up and down in sync with the speed of your ass rising and falling on my di-ck" as Luke begins to talk dirty i feel myself coming closer to climax. Luke moves his hand to my bulge palming me through my skinny jeans. The others have no idea what Luke is whispering to me and what he's doing to me.

I can feel pre cum drip out the tip of my member.

"As you shout out my name 'daddy' you bounce higher and faster making the bed shake. I dig my nails into your hips making slapping noises as my balls come into contact with that firm ass of yours" his hand moves faster on my member palming me fast as i bite harder

"you are close you your climax so you scream out my name as cum drips out of you onto my abs making a sticky mess, i don't last longer as i come inside of you. My cum drips out of your hole as you slip off of my di-ck and into the shower where we have another round hard against the wall"

Those last words were all i needed as i came right there squirming every now and then.

"Luke you have no idea what you have in store tonight" was all i said as i make my way to the bathroom to clean up the mess


damn 1.5k words

has the font gone all weird becasue it typed it on word bc its better at spotting mistakes, then i pasted it onto here. is the writing weird?

as always bye

peace -_- scarlett

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