Friday Night Bites✔️

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Elena, Lydia and Bonnie are walking towards the school together

"I'm not saying don't date the guy." "I'm just saying take it slow."

"You were the one who said to go for it."

"Now I'm saying take it slow."

"Why the about-face?"

"It's not an about-face." "You're single for the first time in your entire high school career." "It's the perfect time to play the field."

Buffy already knows that the reason Bonnie doesn't trust Stefan is because of her being a witch. so she just stays quite about everything so she doesn't make herself seem soupisos 

"Oh, because I'm so that girl." "Seriously, what are you not saying?"

"It's stupid."



"Spit it out."

"I accidentally touched Stefan." "And I got a really bad feeling."

"Is that it?"Bonnie.

"It was bad!"

yeah but that because your a witch and vampire are apparently abominations of nature the young summer woman said inside her head so nobody but herself would know.

"Is this the whole witch mojo thing again?" the two cousin question in unison even tho younger of the two already knows the answer to the question.

"You know what?" "I'm just concerned." "This is me expressing concern about my best friend's new boyfriend."

"And I love you for it, I do." "But I feel good." "It's been a hard year, and I'm starting to kind of feel like things are getting back to normal again." "And you know what?" "Stefan is a big part of that."

"trust me Bonnie I'v known Stefan for a very long time, you can trust him" Buffy says with a small smile.

Elena and Bonnie look at the ex slyer and just nods there heads with small smiles.

Elena, Lydia and Bonnie are walking down the school hall. Stefan joins in.

"Good morning, Elena." "Good morning, Bonnie." "Good morning Buff... Lydia." Stefan almost called Lydia, Buffster again before caching himself again.

"Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline." "She's not answering her phone." "So I'll see you guys later."

Bonnie leaves.

"Bonnie, wait..."

"She doesn't like me very much."

"don't worry Stefan She will warm up to you evenallty just like Willow did", Stefan smile at the comment that his best friend made about Will.

unbeknown to any of them Will was standing in between both of her friends smiling at them both. routing for them to final realize that they both like each other.

"She doesn't know you." "She's my best friend." "She's just looking out for me." "But when she does, she will love you."

"Look...there's Dia, Elena and her new boyfriend. Now, what are they doing?" "Oh, they're walking, walking, walking." "Yep. Right into the sunset."

"You're a dick."

"While you just stand there looking like one of those little yard trolls."


"Here's what we're going to do." "Are you free tonight?"


"Perfect. Dinner, my house. 8:00. You, me, Lyds and Bonnie." "You two will spend some quality time and she'll get to see what a great guy you are." "Mission accomplished."

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