Masquerade part 2

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Stefan and Damon are fighting with Katherine. She tries to stake Damon but Stefan grabs her by behind, fall on the floor with her and choke her from behind. She can't move. Damon rushes over and is about to kill her when Lydia arrives.

"Enough, she and Elena are linked," the strawberry blonde yells at Stefan and Damon.

Damon stops. He's surprised. Katherine smiles as Stefan releases her and she gets up.

"Welcome back Buffy," Kathrine greets

"Shut up" Lydia replies

"Rude", Kathrine mutter before turning her attention back onto the Salvatore brothers

"You think you two are the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong and something tells me that my witch is better than your witch." The vampire doppelgänger gloats.

Kathrine takes the stake from Damon's hands. Damon and Stefan look at Lydia and Jeremy who had just arrived at the door

"You two are idiots" the slayer spoke from the door way talking to Stefan and Damon

"Well you weren't here to stop us" Damon retorted.

"What am I your babysitter?" The strawberry blonde questioned as Jeremy tryed to stop himself from laughing out loud.

"Jeremy, go check on Elena. Make sure she's okay. Go!" The younger Salvatore brother tells him. Completely ignoring his brother and best friend arguing.

"You too Lydia," Stefan try's to tell her

"Yeah you two Lydia," Kathrine mockingly says

"No" the strawberry blonde states. "Jeremy you go" Buffy tells her younger cousin.

Jeremy left.

Lydia step foot into the room, joining the Salvatore brothers and Kathrine in the room.

"Let's all make sure poor Elena is okay. Just a little bit more pressure." The vampire doppelgänger tontes

She cuts her hand with the stake. Elena is hurt too. She screams. Stefan hits Katherine's hand and throws the stake on the floor.

"Stefan, she and Elena are still linked" Buffy yells distracting him long enough for Kathrine to pick the stake off the ground.

Katherine takes the stake and is about to drive it through her stomach. "This is really gonna hurt. " Kathrine says about to stab herself. When Lydia grabs her wrist stopping her from doing it.

"Don't even think about it," Lydia snapped at Kathrine finally letting go of her wrist, but taking the wooden stake away from her.

"Wait!" Damon exclaimed trying to cut some of the tension

Kathrine sits down on the couch.

"Okay. So, how about that moonstone?" Kathrine says trying to get back to what she was really here for.

Bonnie is trying to take Elena's pain away. Jeremy arrives

"Are you okay?" Jeremy asks

"Are they?" Elana questions "is Lydia rally back or did I imagine her," she asks after a brief pause

"They're stuck in there with her." Jeremy informs his sister about the Salvatore brothers. "And yes Lydia is back," Jeremy answers the second question.

"Lydia was right; Katherine had a witch link Elena to her." Jeremy tells Bonnie

"The girl I saw, the one inside! Stay with her, keep pressure on her shoulder!" Bonnie tells Jeremy.

"Where are you going?" Jeremy questioned

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