Bad Moon Rising part 1✔️

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Alaric arrives at the Salvatore boarding house. where Stefan, Damon, Lydia and Elena already there waiting for him.

"Thanks for coming, Ric." Damon says

"Can I get you something to drink?" "Coffee, bourbon?" "Bourbon in your coffee?" The Ravin haired Salvtore asks.

"Elena and Lydia mentioned you needed my help," Ric says ignoring half of what Damon had just said.

"Yeah, we were hoping you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family." Stefan asked


At the Lockwood mansion Mason is goes outside the house for a run. Tyler observes him and follows.

"Now, why would I know anything about the Lockwood's?" Alaric's questioned

"Well, you wouldn't. But your dead, not-dead vampire wife might," Damon sassed

The slayer nods her head agreeing with Damon.

"Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together," Elena brought up

"You said that she had spent years researching this town."

"Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls rooted in folklores and legends but at the time I thought much of which was fiction," Ric explained.

"Like that amazing vampire story," the older Salvatore says

"The lycanthrope," Buffy adds on with a smile on her face thinking about Oz

"Wait, like werewolves?" Stefan inquired

"No way, impossible, way too Lon Chaney,"Damon lies also thinking about Oz. knowing that Oz is in hiding thanks to other vampire killing werewolves left and right.

"Is it?" Ric asks

"Aside from vampires, what else?" The human doppelgänger asks

"well lets see there are Demons, Demonic vampires, cold ones, shapeshifters, sire line vampires, witches, Slayers, more demons, ghost, and a hell of a lot more," The strawberry blonde listed off for her older cousin along with everybody else who is in the room.

"I've been on this planet one hundred and sixty some odd years, never came across one. If werewolves exist, where the hell are they?" Damon inform everyone in the room while once again lie through his teeth. Since he didn't want to out Oz even if the werewolf wasn't in Mystic falls at the moment, not that anyone but the Rebel slayer now about him lying.

"Why do you suspect the Lockwoods?" Mr. Saltzman inquired

"Because vervain didn't affect the mayor at Founders' Day but the Gilbert device did and it affected his son Tyler." The raven haired male informed the teacher.

Buffy sends Damon a look that says shut up you idiot. not that Damon actually listened , to what the strawberry blond was trying to say to him. Damon just rolling his eyes at the rebel slayer.

"And at the school carnival his uncle Mason exhibited inhuman behavior when he fought with one of the carnival's workers." Stefan adds on to what his older brother was saying.


In the woods we see Mason going out from the ruins. Tyler watches him and goes in the ruins.

"It suggests it's some sort of a supernatural entity." Damon says

"We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure it out what it is," Stefan explained to Ric.

"Well, all her things are still at Duke. I mean her office is still there. She's technically still missing," Alaric tells the four of them.

"So can we get access to it?" Stefan asked

"Ric, we need to know what we are dealing with. If this wolfman thing is true, I've seen enough movies to know it's not good." Damon tells the history teacher.

"It means Mason Lockwood is a real-life Lon Chaney and that little Tyler punk may just very well be Lon Chaney junior, which means Bella Lugosi, meaning me, is totally screwed," Damon said.

once this came out of the older Salvatore vampire mouth Buffy sends a glare his way, for talking about werewolf like that considering he and OZ are still super close. Despite him being a vampire and OZ being a werewolf. Which made the dark haired Salvatore send her an almost identical look back to her.


once the group of Stefan, Damon, Buffy, Elena and Alaric were done talking, they made a plan for who was going to go to Duke and who was going to be staying back to help Caroline.


So Stefan ended up staying with Caroline to teach her how to be a vampire, while the still injured slayer went with her older cousin, Damon and Ric to Dukes to get some information about, Elena brith mother and on doppelgänger. Which is not how Lydia wanted to spend her day, but oh well.


Stefan ends up convincing Bonnie to make a daylight ring for Caroline.
The Vampire slayer, doppelgänger, teacher and vampire arrive at duke University.

"So Isobel was officially employed by the anthropology department given that most paranormal phenomenon is rooted in folklore," Ric informed the two cousins

They arrive at an office.

"Excuse me, hi. I'm Alaric Saltzman, I called earlier." Ric informed the lady behind the desk

"Yes, of course. I'm Vanessa Monroe, research assistant, comparative folklore," Vanessa introduced herself to them. Before looking at Elena strangely.

"Uh, let me just grab Isobel's keys." Vanessa tells the group.

"These are my friends Elena, Lydia, and Damon. I hope this isn't too much of an imposition," Alaric introduces.

"Oh please, Isobel's office is right through there. Isobel was one of my first professors. I'm a grad student. She was brilliant, and one of the reasons I went into folklore. Uh, I have to ask - has there been any news?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

"It's this way."

She opens Isobel's office door, they follow her and enter the room.

"I'll grab the light, feel free to look around. It's fascinating isn't it?"

She leaves. Alaric, Damon, Lydia and Elena look through the room.

"Where'd she go?" Damon questioned

Vanessa comes back with a crossbow and shoots an arrow at Elena and Lydia but Damon rushes over and puts himself in front of Elena to protect her. While Lydia uses her vampire slayer speed to catch the arrow before it even touched her. However Damon wasn't so lucky, so he received the arrow in his back, grunts, and falls to the floor. Alaric catches Vanessa and pushes her against the wall, restraining her.

"Well I still got it," strawberry blonde says confidently, with the famous Mikealson smirk on her face. While Damon just glares at the rebel slayer.

Later, Elena is trying to remove the arrow from Damon's back.

"Pull it out. I can't reach it Elena. Just pull the damn thing out. It hurts." Damon whines

"Oh stop whining I've done worse to you and you know it," the slayer deadpans. Which earns her a glare from the older Salvatore brother.

She removes the arrow. Damon stands up straight and shakes himself while grimacing.


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