Lost Girls ✔️

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Stefan runs out of the Salvatore boarding house with a wooden stake that he got out of the basement until the flashback of him waiting on the doorstep of the old Salvatore estate appears with a flash of light. A carriage arrives in front of him. Birdie Mae exits the carriage first then Katherine exits the carriage and observes him for a moment then Stefan approaches her after Birdie finishes smoothing out Katherine's dress. while Stefan's best friend Buffy is standing right beside him

"You must be Miss Pierce."

"Please, call me Katherine."


                                                         Salvatore Boarding House

"What are you?" "What are you?" "and what does my cousin have to do with it?"

"You know,"Stefan tells her comply ignoring the question about Lydia.

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be here."

"It's not possible." "It can't be."

"Everything you know...And every belief that you have is about to change." "Are you ready for that?"

"What are you?"

"I'm a vampire."

"I shouldn't have come."

"No. Please."

Elena tries to run away, but Stefan appears in front of her.

"No. No. How did you do that?"

"Please don't be afraid of me."

"Let me go."

"No. Elena, there's things that you have to know and understand."

"Let me go!"

"Elena, please."

Elena gets into her car and drives away.

Stefan quickly picks up his phone and calls Buffy

she picks up

"hey" is all the ex slayer was able to say before Stefan cut her off and tell her two words she never wanted to hear ever again.

"Elena knows" is all Stefan can say before he hangs up and quickly vamp speeds all the way to the Gilbert house.


                                                                  Gilbert Residence

Elena arrives and runs to her room where she begins to freak out then Stefan appears again.


she tries to run out of her room until Stefan pushes the door shut and corners Elena against the door

"I would never hurt you." "You're safe with me."

Lydia hear what going on with her older cousin and Stefan. so she quickly run to her cousin room. but she doesn't go in since she doesn't want to out herself to her cousin. so she just lisne to what the two people in Elena room are saying.

"All those animal attacks, those people who died..."

"No. That was Damon!"


"Yes. I don't drink human blood." "That's not how I choose to survive, but Damon does!" "I'll explain everything to you, but I beg you, Elena, do not tell anybody."

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