Children of the Damned ✔️

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Elena is combing through boxes of old family memorabilia. while the strawberry blonde slayer is doing the same thing. Stefan sits at the breakfast bar, watching Elena and his best friend

"Do you think Damon really believes us?" "That we're both trying to help him?"

"I don't think Damon knows what to believe." "Trust isn't something that comes naturally to him."

"You know...I really think that Damon believes that everything he's done, every move that he's made, he's done for love." "It's twisted, but kind of sad."

"There are other ways to get what you want." "You don't have to kill people." "Damon has no regard for human life." "He enjoys inflicting pain on others." "For 145 years, every single time that I have let my guard down and let Damon back into my life, he's done something to make me regret that." "I'm not going to make that mistake again."

Lydia rolls her eyes at Stefan comments about not letting Damon back in his life. Not that Elena or Stefan had noticed

"So what do you think will happen if the tomb gets opened and Damon gets Katherine back?" Elena questions

"I think that no matter what Damon promises, a lot of people will die," Buffy and Stefan say in unison.

"then why are you helping him Lyd," the doppelgänger question her cousin

"because Emily promised to destroy something but she never ended up doing, thats why Elena it important that I find it and get it before someone else does," Lyds explain to Elena who is still confused but still nods in understanding.

before getting back to the conversation she was having with Stefan.

Elena exhales loudly and picks up a photo from the box. Stefan gets up and stands behind Elena, examining the photo.

"That's Johnathan Gilbert."

Buffy walks up to them and looks at the photo and nods her head in agreement about it being Johnathan Gilbert.

Elena looks down into the box, puzzled.

"What's this?"

Elena opens up a wooden box. What appears to be a muzzle is contained within it. Stefan looks as if he recognizes the device, but doesn't explain. while it throw the rebel slayer into an unwanted flashback, as Jeremy enters the room shortly after.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Hey. Just going through some stuff, feeling sentimental." "Dad had this old family journal from years ago. I thought I'd dig it up."

Stefan looked at his best friend and noticed the look in her eyes and seen that she was about to fall. So Stefan human speed to the slayer just before she fell. luckily he caught her just in time.

Jeremy sits down on the kitchen counter.

while Elena, Stefan and Jeremy were talking about the Gilbert Journals, Buffy was on the floor with her head in Stefan lap seeing things from the past that she never wanted to see the first time around, let alone see it for a second or third time.

Jeremy ends up telling the three teen that he gave Ric the journals to look thought, since he thought everything written in it was fake.

right after Jeremy was finished explaining were the journal was. he walked out of the room not thinking anything of Stefan and Buffy being on the floor.

after Jeremy walked out of the room Elena ran over to her cousin who was still on the ground with her head still in her best friends lap.

"is she okay," Elena question her boyfriend.

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