The Return part 1 ✔️

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John is in the kitchen, and as he closes the refrigerator door, he sees Katherine standing there, posing as Elena.

"You scared me." John Gilbert says to who he thinks is Elena.

"Sorry." Kathrine, Elena vampire doppelgänger apologizes.

"Is Jenna home?" John questioned

"She had to meet the fire chief about the building. She doesn't know the truth. They've covered it up." The vampire explained to John, still pretending to be Elena.

"Yeah I know. How's Jeremy?" John inquired

"Holed up in his room." The vampires doppelgängers replied.

Upstairs, Jeremy is in his bed. He's unconscious after taking all those pills.

Elena arrives at the house. She is on the phone with Stefan.

"I looked everywhere." Elena tells her boyfriend, about her missing clothes.

"What do you think, someone stole it?" Stefan asks

"Yeah, someone definitely took my stuff." Elena agreed.

Katherine and John are still in the kitchen.

"Can I help?" Katherine, who is still pretending to be Elena asks.

Katherine looks down at John's ring.

"Sure." John agrees

Elena is still on the porch, on the phone with Stefan.

"You want me to pick you up?" Stefan asked his girlfriend.

"I'm just gonna check on Jeremy before I go to the hospital, can you meet me there?" Elena asked her boyfriend

"You bet," Stefan agreed.

"Okay, I love you Stefan." Elena tells her boyfriend.

"I love you too," Stefan responds back.

Katherine grabs a knife and cuts off John's fingers, including his ring. Then she pushes John against the sink.

"Katherine?!" John asks horrified

"Hello John, Goodbye John." Katherine says to the man while stabbing him.

Elena enters the house and goes to the bottom of the stairs.

"Jeremy? Lyds? Are you up?" (She hears a noise in the kitchen and goes toward it.)


meanwhile a little while earlier with the strawberry blonde

Lydia is in her bedroom

the strawberry blonde was on her phone talking to someone. who had called to tell her that somebody had broken into one of her safe house that is located in New Orleans.

"Marcel please tells me nothing important is missing please, or broken," she begs the person she sees as her older brother.

since Buffy has such good luck (not) Marcel informed her that one pair of magical handcuffs, that were made so she wouldn't be able to break out of them, are missing for the safe house in New Orleans.

"Can you just have someone watch the safe house until I'm able to get there please," the strawberry blonde ask. to which Marcel agree to. "I'll try to get there as soon as I can."

"great thanks for the head up Marcel, I'll talk to you latter love you."

Marcel hang up

the Original slayer says before throwing her cell phone on her bed, grabbing her pillow and screaming into it out of frustration. while also cussing her brother Kol out for making the handcuffs in the first place.

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