Unpleasantville ✔️

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Stefan walks into the library, books are strewn haphazardly across the room. When he enters, he sees not only Damon but his strawberry blonde best friend as well , looking through the shelves and tossing aside books. Stefan stops and looks at his older brother then look at his best friend.

"What are you lookin' for, Damon?" "and why are you helping?," he asked the ex slayer

"Not your concern."

"No, but putting Elena in harm's way, that is my concern."

Stefan turn to his best friend wanting an answer of why she helping his brother

"Stefan the bitch didn't destroy the last copie of the book." "she kept it Stefan and she barred it somewhere and left clues," The soon to be reinstated slayer informs the younger Salvatore, whos mouth is open in shoke and anger.

yeah that was my reaction the slayer tells him before going back to tarring apart there liberty looking for the clues to where the book maybe.

Stefan then turns back to his older brother to counte questioning him    

[flipping through a book, not looking up at Stefan] "Hm hm. What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Atlanta."

[looks away from his back and at Stefan] "Oh, yeah." "Elena, Buffy and I had a blast,"Damon tells his brother as books coutine to be thrown on the floor by the pissed of slayer.   

"I get it." "You're just bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love, and poor Katherine is just out of reach." "Unless there's another way for you to get into that tomb." "Is that what Bree said?"

"You're pathetic when you're fishing."

"And you're transparent when you're deflecting."

"Don't you both have school?"

Damon grabs another book off the shelf. Stefan walks out of the room and Damon looks up and watches him leave. before Stefan got very far he turns back around and went back to the library. he went in and grabbed the strawberry blonde by her hand and pulled her out of the library and dragged her off to school with him. lets just say that she is not very happy right now. and a pissed off slayer is not good for anyone.


Salvatore Boarding House

after school

Elena is sitting on a couch in the library, speaking with Stefan.

while Lyds is somewhere in the library sarching for anything that will lead her to the book. but she is not having much luck at the moment

"Why me?" "What does he want with me?" "A-and if he's trying to kill me, then why call first?"

Stefan walks around the couch and faces Elena.

"That's because we're predators, Elena." "We hunt. We stalk." "It's often as exciting as the kill." "I want you to take this."

"its true Lena they do love to stalk there pray trust me, been there done that," the original slayer tells her cousin with a small fake laugh. Elena looks worriedly at her cousin

Stefan sits down on the table in front of Elena and pulls out the vampire compass. Stefan hands the compass to Elena. Elena takes it and looks at it.

Buffy see the compass and has to bite her lip to stop laughing at the memory of Emily spelling it. since John the one who made it could berly spot a vampire. 

"This is Jeremy's pocket watch." "How did you get it?" Elena asks

"I took it from Damon, who took it from Logan, who must have taken it from you," Stefan explained.

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