The Return part 2✔️

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"can the two of you just answer the question properly please," Lyds ask both of the Salvtore brother and her older cousin.

"Stef or Damon before we continue this talk can one of you run upstairs to my room and grab the crouches from behind the door please." which Damon ends up doing for the strawberry blonde. after he does this he hands them to her before the four of them start the conversaion again.

"Stefan?" The human doppelgänger questioned.

"Elena." Stefan says right back.

"What happened?" Elena inquired.

"Katherine happened," both the oldest Salvtore and the youngest Summers deadpans in complete unison.

"Did she say what she wanted?" Damon asks his brother and friend


the rebel slayer shakes her head no

"Woman certainly knows how to make an entrance."

"you can say that again considering she attacked me," the ripper fixer yells

"She said she fooled one of us, at least." "What does that mean?" Stefan questioned

"the bitch said the same thing to me too," the slayer informs both her cousin and the two brothers

"She pretended to be Elena too when I showed up earlier tonight's," Damon admitted.

"great," the slayer say sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

we are royal fucked, the strawberry blonde mumbles to herself


Elena enters the room. Stefan walks towards her. while Buffy is sitting down with her leg elevated

"I told Jeremy, I can't lie to him anymore." Elena  informed Lydia, Stefan and Damon

"Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not alright. I thought that with all the tomb vampires gone things would get better."

"I know. We all did."

"Haha, I know you three did, I on the other hand new better," the slayer tells the three other in the room.

Which earned her glare from both Damon and Stefan, telling her to zip her lips. which is what she did

"Katherine was in this house, that means she's been invited in, what are we gonna do?" Elena questioned worriedly

"pack our bags" the slayer stared to say, "and Move," Damon finished the strawberry blonde sentence

"Very helpful, thank you." Elena sarcastically thanks her cousin and Damon

Elena sits down beside her younger cousin.

"Katherine wants you dead,there's zero you can do about it, you would be dead but you're not. So clearly she has other plans," the older Salvatore tells the human doppelgänger.

"Which in my opinion is even worse," Lyds speaks her thought. Which got her a dirty look from her cousin, not that the slayer or either vampire even notice.

"Right and we need to find out what those other plans are and not provoke her in the process. What happened tonight when you thought she was Elena?" Stefan inquired

"Or do we even want to know," Buffy asked a few seconds after Stefan asked his question to Damon.

"To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead. We...kissed." Damon revealed.

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