8-Is It Too Late To Apologize?

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Arthur and Lenny were both miserable as they trusted their horses to know the way home. Arthur woke up in a hotel room and almost tripped over Lenny who was passed out on the floor. After racking their brains and retracing their steps to the best of their ability they came to the conclusion that Kay had helped them both, in their beyond inebriated state, up to the room they woke up in. They didn't think on it much more beyond that before deciding it was better if they checked out and headed back to camp before remembering or being reminded of some unruly, unlawful behavior they may or may not have been a part of at any given point throughout the night.

As they continued to trudge along, their heads pounding worse with every step the hooves of their horses took, Arthur kept replaying the previous night in his mind but after a certain point it was all just a blur no matter how hard he tried. All the same he couldn't rid himself of this feeling in his gut that he had did something he was going to regret later. He just hoped it wasn't anything too bad.

A couple days had passed and Arthur had managed to rescue Micah in that time as well as piss the entire town of Strawberry off to the point that returning anytime soon wasn't an option, thanks to Micah of course. He had been writing in his journal when Strauss had approached him about collecting on a few debts that were owed to the camp funds. As much as Arthur detested such work he knew it had to be done.

As he cut down along the Dakota river headed to a ranch owned by a man named Thomas Downes, a little do-gooder that owed a debt that had come due, his eyes landed on a familiar horse grazing in the tall grass. Recognizing the animal he immediately began to scan the area for its rider. He finally spots her fishing along the rivers edge, stretched out leaning against a rock enjoying the warm sun beating down on her skin. She appeared to be asleep and barely had a grip on her pole still. Arthur decided to mess with her as he dismounted and left Artemis to graze alongside Orion. He quietly tiptoed up to the resting woman. As he approached however he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a low growl come from the nearby wooded area.

"Easy there Tacoma, I meant no harm, I was just tryin' ta mess with yer momma." He said with his hands up, not daring to take another step. The commotion caused Kay to wake from her nap.

"Aaahhh...I see how ya are." She joked with a grin on her face when she realized Arthur had been caught in the act of trying to give her a jolt.

"Good boy Tacoma but it's okay. He's not gonna hurt me. He's just trying to catch me off guard."

Arthur heard the brush rustle and saw a brief glimpse of black fur along with the sound of an uneasy whine as the wolf retreated back into hiding.

"Tryin' to sneak up on me while I'm napping? Arthur how old are we now?" She said to him, feigning disappointment, her eyes twinkling in the sun with humor.

"Yeah, that didn't go quite as planned though thanks to yer dog. I was gonna sneak up and yank your line, make you think you'd hooked a monster."

She laughed and shook her head at the grown outlaw acting like a boy despite all the rough and tough exterior.

"I'm actually glad to see you, walking on your own and speaking in complete, coherent sentences that is." She said with a smirk. Arthur instantly felt his cheeks flush at the remark, he chuckled uncomfortably as he looked up from under the brim of his hat and the second he made eye contact he froze, all the blood draining from his face as he turned a ghostly pale in sheer horror as the memories came flooding back to him as to what all had happened that drunken night in Valentine between her and himself.

He remembered how she had prevented some kid and one of the saloons working girls from picking his pockets clean. He remembered his failed attempt at hugging her and how he instead ended up face first in her cleavage and rather than apologizing and backing off how he continued to bury his face in and nuzzle her breasts. He also remembered grabbing her and holding her on top of him while grinding his erection against her while grasping her ass cheek before she finally was able to push herself off of him and escape his grasp. Arthur felt like he was going to be sick from the embarrassment he felt for his drunken actions. Kay seemed to pick up on what was unfolding in front of her by the range of facial expressions and shades of color he managed to turn all in a matter of seconds. He almost fell as he stumbled back slowly, his hands up slightly as he attempted to speak.

Under The Eyes of The Wolf (an rdr2 Arthur Morgan x oc story)Where stories live. Discover now