15-Right In Front Of You

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When Charles returned to camp he carried all the meat that he had brought back over to the provisions wagon and laid it all out along with the pelts in front of Pearson.

"My, you've been busy! Thank you Charles, we were about out

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"My, you've been busy! Thank you Charles, we were about out." Pearson said.

"This is also from Kay. The buck and three of the rabbits were her kills."

"I'll thank her if I see her again. If not would you be sure to send her my thanks?" Pearson asked.

"Of course." Charles turned to go unsaddle Taima and give her a thorough brush down.

Arthur had been dishing himself up a bowl of stew when he overheard Charles speaking to Pearson. He decided to dish up an additional bowl then headed over to the hitching post.

"Hey Charles. Are ya hungry?" He asked as he offered Charles the extra bowl.

"Ahh. Thank you Arthur." Charles said as he heaved his saddle onto a stand and gratefully accepted the warm bowl of stew.

"So, you and Kay went hunting?"

"Yes." Charles said as he sat down by the fire and took a bite of his meal.

Arthur pushed down the aggressive heat he felt building in his stomach at Charles' admission.

"She asked about you." Charles offered calmly in response to Arthur's ears turning red.

"Did she now? What did you tell her?"

"Only that you'd left camp before I did and that was the extent of my knowledge on the matter."

"Sure. Okay well, I've gotta go talk to Dutch." Arthur responded coldly as he got up and headed towards his own tent.

Later that night as Arthur lay on his cot staring at the roof of his tent he couldn't seem to stop thinking about Charles' words and about the fact that he'd been out hunting alone with Kay for most of the day. He was sure that he'd picked up a certain tone in his voice and although he knew him to be a man of little words he couldn't help but feel as though Charles had purposefully been vague on any details of his time spent with her. He couldn't stave off the jealousy he felt gnawing at his stomach. He was unsure of what he wanted to do about it as well. Should he attempt to go see her and see what she might offer in the way of details on her day spent with Charles? Or should he avoid her at all costs? Save himself from the possible pain and distraction? More importantly save her from the danger and drama and risks that came with being any further connected to a man like himself. It wasn't like she or Charles owed him any insight on their time spent together. Who was he kidding? Why would she even want any more of her time wasted or taken up by him further inserting himself into her life? Arthur tossed and turned for hours before he finally drifted off.
                            ~3 days later~

Arthur set the ax down and headed to his tent to grab a rag to wipe his face and neck off. As he does so he notices Javier sitting over by a tree working on something so he decides to walk over and see what he's got going on.

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