24-There Won't Be A Next Time

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K left Dutch's tent and takes in the scene around camp. Everyone's eyes turn in her direction as they all go silent. Dutch steps out to stand directly behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Everyone, since I see your attention is already directed over here let me take this opportunity to address you all." He announces. K could feel his breath on her neck and smell the expensive alcohol on his words. "None of you, under any circumstances or for any reasons, are allowed to go after or harm that animal that was here earlier!"

"WHAT!?! That's horse shit! That thing almost killed me and is obviously a danger...!" Micah exploded.

"I will discuss that with you personally later. Do not question my orders Mr. Bell, do I make myself clear?" Dutch cut him off.

Micah growls furiously. "Yes boss." Hatred dripping from his voice.

"If any of you disobey my orders, there will be serious consequences to pay. Understood?"

A hushed murmur of "yes sir"s and various replies of understanding were heard among the group. Charles stood by John, smiling at K who couldn't help but to smile back.

"All right, as you were." Dutch dismisses, giving K's shoulder a squeeze before turning back into his tent.

K made a mental note of who all she needed to talk to personally- Bill, John, Molly, Abigail and Jack. She decides she better ring in Molly first before her imagination got the best of her. She spotted her sitting at the game table, arms crossed, legs crossed, tapping her foot. She was fuming. K approached cautiously.

"Miss O'Shea? I know we've never been formally introduced. My name is K, I was hoping we could talk?"

The redheaded Irish woman glared daggers at K but she ignored it.

"I wanted to apologize, that was very rude the way he shut you out back there. I would have had no problem if you had joined us. It is your tent after all."

Molly slightly relaxed, if only a minimal amount. "Ah, it ain't yer fault. He's just been so co-eld lately. It's like I don rightly know the man anymore."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I've been in a relationship like that myself before. One minute it's heaven then overnight it's like they can't stand to even look at you or hear your voice anymore." She sympathizes.

"Ay. But he can't pull 'is eyes offa Mary-Beth! The bloody melter."

"I just didn't want you getting the wrong idea about me or my intentions. I've only got eyes for Arthur and I'm not into juggling love interests." She jokes. "Besides, Dutch isn't interested in me anyway."

"Artur's a good man. Deserves a bit a happiness fer once, wit all he dose arount 'ere." She smiles.

"Ya know what? Sometimes the best thing you can do is get out and have some fun. Why don't you come along with me to the parlor house in Rhodes tonight? Play some blackjack, have a few drinks, relax and smile for a bit?" K offers.

"Oh, I dunno bout that. I best not."

"Come on! You'll be glad once we're there. I'll make you a deal, join me for one hour! Just one! If you still aren't having fun and want to come back to camp, I'll bring you back. It's worth a shot right?"

"Aahh, foin, long as we don go gettin all fluttered, I'll join ye." She relents.

"Great! Be ready about seven-ish." K smiles as she gave the Irish woman's hand a reassuring squeeze.

She left the table and eyes the camp until she spots John. He stood talking to Charles and Arthur by the coffee pot. She was glad to see Abigail also stood next to him. She had Jack in her arms, holding on protectively. K heads to the small group to hopefully ease their concerns.

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