30-Tying Up Loose Ends

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After various methods of extracting the desired intel out of Bartholomew it was Dutch's idea of dangling his appendages one at a time into the swamp waters as gator bait that proved successful. All it took was one baby gator chomping down and locking onto his trigger hand to convince him to come clean.

"....we knew you damn yankees were playin' both families. So we sent two of our cousins to snatch up your boy." He said, nodding his head towards John.

"You son of a bitch!" John growled as he lunged for the battered man.

"Easy my boy, we'll get to that." Dutch said in his attempt to calm the angry father as K and Bill held him back. "Tell me Bart, what kind of low life scum kidnaps a child to get back at the adults around him? That boy had no part in any of this."

The injured man laughed in amusement

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The injured man laughed in amusement. Sweat covered his skin, his hand now torn up and bloodied, various bruises, burn marks and other wounds covered his body. He trembled some as he continued to laugh, his body going into shock to some degree. "It wasn't just to get back at you fools. It was intended as payment in a deal we came up short on thanks to you trash stealing our moonshine. We were supposed to sell it all to the Lemoyne Raiders, then that money would be used to pay off a debt to Angelo Bronte in Saint Denise. Seein' as how we didn't have the money, he agreed to accept the boy as payment." He began to laugh more hysterically.

"What do you find so amusing in all of this?" Dutch questioned.

"Well ya see, Mr. Bronte is a very powerful man and he sees that boy as his now." He stated in a deep, eerily calm voice. "So even if we don't end up snatching him up from y'all, Bronte's men will!" He laughed harder in their faces at their combined expressions.

"Shut-UP!" John yelled, kicking the man in the face, knocking him out cold once again.

"Dammit John! What did I tell you?" Dutch seethed.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't stand listening to him laughing at us anymore!"

"So what do we do now boss?" Bill asks.

"First things first. We need to deal with that Braithwaite woman. He's right, she'll keep coming for Jack and if we manage to prevent her attempts at that then I'm sure she'll find another way to exact her revenge on us. At this point she's a loose end that needs to be tied." Dutch surmised. "K. What did you have in mind to deal with that woman after we pulled the needed information from her boy here?"

K was zoned out, looking off into the swampy waters. She'd heard about this Angelo Bronte before. Not from here, but from back home. She remembers reading about him in a magazine about the criminal masterminds that formed the United States. She was having trouble recalling the specifics but she knew in order for him to be even mentioned in that magazine, let alone have a whole chapter on him, he had to be big.

"K!" Dutch snapped his fingers in front of her, drawing her attention back to the moment.

"Sorry. I was thinking about something." She blinked, clearing her vision and refocusing on the task at hand. "Uh, I pretty much had figured since I first confirmed that those boys that Tacoma got were Braithwaites that we were gonna have to take that bitch out. I just wanted to get all the information first before acting on it. Honestly I already had her in my sights once before we decided to snag this asshole up instead, so just send me in with my Carcano and I'll take her out, quick, easy and quiet." She suggests.

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