46-Take The Money And Run

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K stood by the hitching posts at the entrance to Lakay, brushing down the shimmering coat of the Dutch Warmblood that Arthur had brought to camp with the intent of giving it to her but had never had the opportunity to do so before disappearing from her life. It was a warm night and the moon was full, lighting up the forest around her and causing the Warmblood's coat to shine like gold.

She'd been spending a lot of time with the stallion, feeding him, grooming him and talking to him. Each day she'd ride Andy out to hunt or to go to town and she'd always bring Buell, tethered to her saddle to ride along with them. She refused to ride him until Arthur returned home and gave the horse to her. There would be plenty of time after that for her to ride him alongside Arthur and Artemis. A small smile briefly crossed her face at the thought of it but then disappeared again at the realization that it may never happen.

As she continues going through the motions of running the brush across the content stallions flank, Tacoma, who'd been relaxing close by and watching K with minimal interest, even nodding off now and again, suddenly jerks his head up at attention. He cocks his head sideways attempting to hear better. He whines slightly while continuing to look further down the path that leads into Lakay. He then jumps to his feet and bolts down the path.

 He then jumps to his feet and bolts down the path

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"Tacoma!" K calls after him. She drops the brush and cautiously follows after him to see what caught his sudden interest. As she rounds a bend, her hand resting on her sidearm, concern floods through her when she sees Tacoma has someone pinned to the ground as he's mauling them. "Tacoma! Lass es!" (Leave it!)

Tacoma turns to look at K, allowing the intruder to climb to his feet with a slight chuckle, patting the excited wolf on the neck. "Good boy Tacoma." She hears a familiar voice praise the wolf.

K freezes in her steps. Tacoma wasn't mauling this person, he was greeting him. His eyes lock with hers. He gives Tacoma one more pat on the head before stepping away from the happy animal to close the gap between himself and her.

 He gives Tacoma one more pat on the head before stepping away from the happy animal to close the gap between himself and her

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When he stood within inches of her he stops. "Hello darlin'." He greets softly, his deep voice a bit rougher than she remembers it being.

K stands there still frozen. She'd yet to say his name out loud for fear that it would cause her to wake up and discover she was in another dream.

Under The Eyes of The Wolf (an rdr2 Arthur Morgan x oc story)Where stories live. Discover now