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After a couple of hours the sun began to set. K woke from the cool evening breeze that tickled her exposed skin. Her movement awakens Arthur who was laying next to her, his arms and legs still tangled with hers.

"Mmm. Hey handsome."

"Hm. You're still here. I thought I might wake up in my cot back at camp and find out it was all a dream." He chuckles as he kisses her.

K runs her fingers through the hair on his chest. "You should probably get dressed. I've been thinking about what I've been needing to tell you and decided it's easier if I just show you." She explains.

"Show me? Okay. Where we need to go for that? Because Charles is probably not too thrilled that I've kept Taima this long so if maybe we could go back and...."

K stops him before he can finish. "Actually that's another reason why I chose this island, because what I need to show you is here."

"It is? Well alright then, I suppose we should get dressed so you can show me whatever it is that's got you so concerned so I can lay your worries to rest." He says softly before kissing her forehead.

They collected their clothing and got dressed then packed up her bed roll and K took Arthur's hand then began to lead him towards a grouping of trees on the northern end of the island. They approach a rather large tree in the center of the other trees that almost looks like it didn't belong on the small island and K begins to feel around on the trunk like she was looking for something.

"Is there, something I can help you find?" Arthur asks, sounding a bit confused.

"No, it's right around here somewhere....aah! Here it is."

Arthur hears a sound like something unlatching followed by the sound of wood dragging against wood.

"Follow me down here." She tells him as she steps into an opening in the side of the tree in which a ladder had been affixed to its inner wall, leading down below the grounds surface.

"What in the hell is....?"

"Come on. Before any boats pass by and see us." She yells up from down inside the tree trunk. Arthur steps onto the ladder and begins the descent. After about 5 feet the hollow opens into a small, 5ft x 5ft, dimly lit room. The walls looked to be made of concrete and it was quite cold. K stood facing one wall, looking over her shoulder waiting for Arthur. He steps off the ladder and heads over to stand next to her.

She takes his hand. "Arthur, it's not gonna be easy to wrap your head around what I'm about to show you. Just keep a very open mind and trust me."

"Well, I'll always trust ya but I ain't gonna lie, this is getting kinda unsettling." He admits, looking around uncomfortably.

"I know. Just bear with me. I know you're going to have plenty of questions too, understandably, but try to hold off on asking them until I'm done explaining. You ready?"

"Not sure if I am but come on. Let's do it." He says, gesturing his arm forward. K turns and opens a panel that's mounted on the wall in front of her and what looks to be a small window lights up. She proceeds to tap her fingers on random points on the glass then holds her hand, palm side down, against the lit up window. Suddenly Arthur realizes that the wall in front of them is actually a large door as it splits down the middle, sliding open to either side revealing a large, concrete walled room behind it that instantly lights up as the door opens. Arthur watches attentively, his eyes wide, mentally trying to prepare himself for whatever could be coming next.

K enters and as she steps in, multiple bright lights light up, accenting something in the middle of the room.

K enters and as she steps in, multiple bright lights light up, accenting something in the middle of the room

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