23-Dances With Wolves

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K rode back into camp, Arthur tailing close behind. As the two approached the hitching posts a very unhappy Charles rushes up to them.

"Is everything alright Arthur? What happened to borrowing her for just a bit?! You've been gone all day. I didn't know if you'd been killed or arrested or God only knows what!" Charles exclaims.

Arthur hitches Taima and heads to his tent. "I apologize Charles. I owe you. I'll make it up to you." He says bluntly as he walks past him.

"Is he okay?" Charles asks, looking to K.

"Cut him some slack. He's had a long day. Please Charles?" She asks of him as she takes a hold of his hand.

"Fine. I won't press." He relents.

"Thank you Charles." She expresses, kissing his cheek.

"Are you all right?" He questions.

"Oh yeah. Just covered a lot of ground today. Hey, go back to what you were doing. I'll untack and brush down Taima." She offers.

"Okay. Thank you K." He says, giving her hand a squeeze.

K finishes untacking and grooming Taima, Artemis  and Orion. After making sure they were fed and watered she heads over to Arthur's tent. She finds him laying on his cot, arm rested across his eyes. She sits down next to him on the edge of the bed, rubbing her hand across his stomach.

"You OK?" She asks.

"Mhmm...." he answers, giving her hand a squeeze. "Lay with me?" He whispers.

K stands up and unties the flaps, releasing them to roll to the ground and then ties them off. She proceeds to remove her coat and peels off her swimsuit before putting Arthur's white button down shirt on. She then pulls Arthur's boots off before removing his gun belt, satchel and pants. She crawls into the cot next to him as he turns to his side to better accommodate them both on the small cot. She presses her ass up against his crotch as he pulls her in, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her body close while burying his face into her neck, gently biting and kissing her warm soft skin as he hums a low content warm breath in her ear. The two drift easily off into sleep, fitted together in his small, cramped quarters.

• • • • •

K woke early the following morning. She quietly stood from the small cot, careful not to disturb Arthur who still slept soundly. She dresses in a pair of jeans, a black leather vest and her boots followed by her shoulder holster. As she exits Arthur's tent she looks around and sees no signs of anyone else having woke yet. She heads over to the outskirts of camp and grabs a hay bale to carry over to Orion and the other horses. She picks up a soft bristle brush and starts casually brushing Orions coat, causing it to bring out the glossy sheen that resembles crude oil when the sun hits it.

"I must say, that is a fine animal, Miss Sinclair. Turkoman, correct?" Dutch asks as he approaches K from behind.

"Oh, hey Dutch. I didn't think anyone else was up yet.....umm, so yeah, basically a Turkoman. He's got a bit more to him than that but yes, a Turkoman. You know your horses." She says, deciding that it's easier and safer to categorize Orion as a Turkoman rather than an Akhal-Teke.

"Well maybe. Honestly though I just see the resemblance between him and Hosea's horse, Silver Dollar." He admits with a chuckle. "But you're right, his coat has the same metallic sheen and overall a very similar appearance but there is definitely something more in there. Needless to say, he's a very excellent specimen." He compliments.

"Thank you, Dutch. He's a good boy. I don't know where I'd be without him." She admits. "What has you up so early this morning?"

"Aahhh, to be perfectly honest I am finding it more and more difficult to allow myself to relax around the insufferable Miss O'Shea. I'd rather just not sleep then have to lay next to her and listen to her endless onslaught of questions and whining and her constant clinging...it's enough to drive a man off the edge."

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