41-I Miss You More Than Life

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The days that followed were tense around camp

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The days that followed were tense around camp. K had remained angry at Arthur and spoke as little as possible to him which caused Arthur to be on edge. Dutch was on edge as a result of Francis being there, so with two of the most predominant members of the gang being so tightly wound, it made for an uneasy tension in the air amongst everyone.

Two days had passed and Tacoma was gradually healing and even attempting to stand up again. Arthur and Francis had been avoiding each other and had seemed to have reached an unspoken decision to not discuss their issues but to simply know that Francis was not happy and he did not approve of the situation his niece had found herself in as a result of her feelings for Arthur.

"He seems to be doing well my dear. As long as you continue to give him those pills and keep his wounds clean he'll be just fine. Keep him contained to the house as much as possible until his wounds have scabbed over and his limp has significantly lessened. And be absolutely sure that he takes all of those pills and that nobody else gets their hands on them. Antibiotics won't be discovered for another 28 years so keep them on you." Francis demands firmly.

"I will. Thank you uncle F."

"I'm glad I could help. Hopefully when I return to Doverhill, Marko will have succeeded in reviving Orion and he'll be up on all fours again. I'll probably take a day to get some rest then I'll take him to Annesburg and arrange to have him brought down by train to Saint Denis and from there to be held at the livery until you can come retrieve him, so make sure you start checking in at those stables on a daily basis in about three days from now. Buck up kiddo. Marko is a brilliant man, if anyone is capable of seeing that your horse made it through, it's him. I'm sure he's fine." He reassured K in response to her uneasy demeanor.

"I really hope so. I'll never forgive myself if Orion didn't make it because I pushed him too hard." She admits in a shaky voice.

Francis pulls her in for a tight hug, comforting her.

"So, any luck on fixing that battery yet?" She asks in a hushed tone, wanting to change the subject.

"Not yet. I'll be honest with you, I've not given it my full attention yet. Marko is a brilliant man and he's been showing me all of his work so I've been like a kid in a candy shop with a new best friend up there! I've been enjoying my time spent with him. However I fully intend on focusing all of my attention on that battery now that I'm aware of the situation you're in here."

"Uncle F, stop. It won't change anything either way. I've not changed where I stand on that whole matter."

"Yeah, well, we'll see about that. I could kick myself for rushing through the construction of my pod. If we had just taken a little more time and made it a double like yours is, I could have already had you back home by now. We were in such a damn hurry though so we just made it a single. No way near powerful enough to transport two people, even if we could manage to both squeeze in."

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