17-With Love, Your Daddy

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-Author's 1st note: Those of you that have been reading this story all the way through, what do you think?  I'm curious about the readers thoughts, what they do or don't like and any input on it so far. It would be greatly appreciated. 😁👍(thank you to melodyscrow for all of her comments and votes and input. I appreciate you! If anyone is interested in suggestions on great rdr2 stories that not only are page turners but are very well written, check hers out! They are so good!)

Arthur woke suddenly from the aches brought on from sleeping on the hard ground all night. He rubbed his neck and looked to his left and remembered he hadn't fallen asleep alone. Kay lay next to him, pressed up to his side with her hand on his chest while his own arm was wrapped around her shoulders. She wasn't the only one cuddled up to him. He looked down to see Tacoma stretched out across them both lazily holding his head up and looking at Arthur.

"No wonder I didn't get cold." He thought to himself. He winced slightly as he shifted his legs. "I have lost circulation to my legs though, Tacoma." He explained to the lounging wolf as he tried to pull his legs out from under him.

"Hey Arthur." Kay said groggily as she woke. "What time is it?"

"Oh, just after sun up."

"We slept here all night? Hm, I guess I did have a few too many drinks." She laughed slightly. "Tacoma, hey buddy, hop up." She coaxed the comfortable wolf. He casually stood up and stretched his front legs out with his butt in the air. She patted him on the backside. "You should probably head off boy. The suns up." She instructed him. He finished stretching then lumbered off to find the cover of the forest to hide himself from the view of strangers.

Arthur stood slowly, his body cracking and popping as his joints straightened. He offered his hand to help her stand up as well.

"Umm, thanks for last night. For listening and for your advice. It was good advice." She smiled awkwardly as she put her jacket back on.

"It was my pleasure. I'd be happy to do so again. Soon preferably." He smiled at her as he pulled his shoulders back to stretch his muscles. He rubbed at his sore neck as he shifted his head from side to side, attempting to sooth the ache.

"Come here Arthur." She led him over to a fallen log and directed him to sit down. "Here, take this off." She gestured to his hat which he proceeded to remove.

"Whatchyu doin'?" He asked while watching her out of the corner of his eye.

"Just relax." She laughed at his apprehension. She slightly guided his head to lean forward as she stood behind him. She began to work out the knots in the muscles of his neck, shoulders and upper back with her hands as a low moan escapes Arthur's mouth.

"Aahhh, jeez woman....that feels amazing. Uuhhh...."

She laughed at the varying degrees of moans she was able to illicit from the hardened outlaw. It had been more years than he could count since the last time someone had done something like this for him. He felt himself melting into her touch.

She continued to skillfully work her thumbs deep throughout the lengths of his muscles, gradually working out the painful, tight knots. She guided him back to lean against her as she reached over his shoulders and pressed her fingertips against the center of his chest, working them towards the outer points where the muscles ran into his shoulders.

He felt her chest pressed against him as he rest his head back against her and she continued to massage his neck and shoulders. She felt the familiar heat building in her stomach in response to their closeness and from the strength of his muscles as they flexed slightly in her hands. The heat continued to build. She feared her legs would give out if she hadn't been leaning against him. She had to stop, she felt herself getting so wet she was afraid he'd be able to see it through her clothing if she kept going.

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