10-Dewberry Creek

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"Arthur. There you are. It's about time you got back. Any more trouble after we left?"  Dutch questioned.

"No. Got away clean."

"Excellent, now my next question, who was this 'friend' that showed up in the middle of that mess, saving our asses?"

"Her name is Kay. I met her up in Colter briefly then again here in Valentine, at the saloon."

"SHE?" Well she is an incredible shot and showed up just in time. Where is she now?"

"Packing up her campsite too. Dutch, I uhh, asked her to meet me here when she was done  before heading off to God knows where. I hope that's okay." Arthur asked nervously.

"Of course it is, son. It's more than okay. I would love the opportunity to meet this woman and thank her personally."

As if on cue, Arthur's attention was drawn to Kay as she came up the pathway into camp. "There she is." Arthur told Dutch as he went to greet her. She dismounted and tied Orion to the hitching post.

"Thank you for coming." Arthur said appreciatively. "Let me, ah, introduce you to Dutch first."

She followed Arthur into the center of camp to a large lavish tent which she assumed belonged to the gang leader. Standing in front of it was a tall, dark haired, well dressed man that seemed to be observing everything as the rest of the people scurried about, frantically packing up.

"Ahh! Is this our guardian angel you were just telling me about?" Dutch asked, gesturing to Kay.

"Kay, this is Dutch van der Linde. Dutch, this is Kay Sinclair." Arthur introduced.

"Pleasure." She replied in a low tone. She wasn't sure about meeting this man or any of these other people. She'd been leaving enough of a footprint as of late, so she was hesitant about opening the door to a connection with an infamous criminal leader. She brushed off her concern for the time being. She was already here, a little late to back out now.

"My dear, we owe you a debt of gratitude for coming to our aid, reigning down bullets from heaven. Thanks to you the four of us escaped with no more than a scratch."  The boisterous leader exclaimed with a chuckle, loud enough for the entire camp to hear, causing some heads to turn in curiosity towards the stranger in camp.

"Heyyy there, Miss Kay! Good to see you again!" Lenny said from where he worked, a bit further into the camp.

"Lenny. Good to see you upright and speaking intelligibly." She said jokingly to him with a smile.

"No doubt." He laughed back, his face slightly flushing. "Thank you for lookin' out for us that night. Always better to wake up in a hotel room than in a jail cell." He admitted before returning to disassembling the beams to one of the lean-to tents. She smiled at the grateful young man.

"Well it sounds like this is not the first time you've come to the aid of some of our members. I thank you again. If there's anything we can do to show our gratitude all you need do is ask, my dear." Dutch offered sincerely. Quite the silver tongue on this one, she thought to herself.

"So, where are we goin' Dutch?" Arthur questioned the man.

"That is the question, son. There's a spot Micah was telling us about before you returned. Charles was ready to scout the area out. He was waiting on your return so that you could join him, if you would. Dewberry Creek is the name of the location. Charles has a map that's been marked with the coordinates." Dutch instructed.

"Yeah. I know that spot. Not too sure how great of a spot to set up a large campsite it would be but I could be wrong." Kay pointed out.

"Hey. Do you think you could ride with Charles and I? Show us where this place is?" Arthur asked her.

Under The Eyes of The Wolf (an rdr2 Arthur Morgan x oc story)Where stories live. Discover now