31-What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Man

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-Warning: Chapter contains talk of sexual abuse. I understand the ideas discussed in this chapter can be difficult to read but trust me when I say that you'll like what happens as a result of it in chapters 33-35.

The tailor had finished the gown just in time. K was now in her and Arthur's shared room along with Tilly, Karen and Mary-Beth as they helped her to apply her makeup and with getting dressed for the party.With as much as she detested wearing dresses she needed all the help she could get due to her lack of experience in dressing in women's clothing, especially woman's clothing from this era.

Dutch, Hosea, Bill and Arthur were waiting at the stagecoach out by the fountain in front of Shady Belle, each man dressed in their suits and tie's. Dutch and Arthur were chatting when K appeared through the front door. Dutch smiled and nodded his head, gesturing over Arthur's left shoulder.

Arthur turns to see K carefully taking the steps down from the front porch, one at a time. She wore an elegant royal blue gown with spaghetti straps that left her back and shoulders exposed and cut low in the front showing off her cleavage. Her hair was up loosely and around her neck she wore a diamond choker with a large blue sapphire in the front and blue sapphire earrings. As she took the first step Arthur realized her gown had a split up the side that ran up her thigh, revealing her left leg every time she brought it forward.

 As she took the first step Arthur realized her gown had a split up the side that ran up her thigh, revealing her left leg every time she brought it forward

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Arthur couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. Dutch and Hosea both smiled at her while Bill's jaw hung slightly open as he gawked at her, taken by surprise at the change in her usual appearance.

"Can we go please? Stop staring at me. I feel like a fool in this get-up." K blushes, earning a laugh from Hosea and Dutch.

"You look stunning my dear. Shall we go gentlemen?" Hosea suggests.

As K approaches the carriage she happens to notice Charles standing by the hitching post next to Tiama. He appeared to have been in the middle of grooming the mare but had frozen in mid brush stroke and now stood there with his eyes locked on to her. The blush in K's face deepened after briefly holding eye contact with her friend. She smiled awkwardly as she looked to the ground then back up to him out of the corner of her eye. Charles simply smiled and gave her a barely visible nod as if to let her know how beautiful she looked to him. Her smile grew slightly as she focused back in front of her and on keeping her balance in the uncomfortable heels she wasn't accustomed to walking in.

Dutch climbs in first, then Arthur offers K a hand to step up into the carriage followed by himself then Hosea and lastly Bill. When she sits down between Dutch and Arthur her leg is exposed almost up to her hip on the side Dutch is sat on. Arthur notices this and removes his jacket, laying it across her lap. Dutch and Hosea both look at each other and laughed.

"Alright you two, laugh it up." Arthur grumbles.

"What's the matter Arthur, don't you like my dress?" K asks him.

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