Chapter 4

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       " Okay, okay. So, how do you drown a hipster?" Embry was making jokes (that were absolutely bad) and made a bet that I can't do worse.                                   
     " A river?"                                                     
    " No. In the mainstream." He starts laughing and I can't help but laugh too (I am so winning this bet).                                    
    " That was bad. As in totally corny."      
   " What can I say just living life on the cob." We both start laughing at this one.  I haven't laughed this much for a while. When we stop laughing, I decide to finish my food.                 
     " So, want to get this tour on the road?"             
    " Do I have to keep my hands and feet inside at all times? Or is that rollercoasters? I get them mixed up."           
    " To be safe let's keep our hands and feet in."  We get to my mom's car, and this is when I realize, how is the tour going to work if I drive?                                 
   " Maybe we could walk? I mean it's nice out for Forks, I think."                             
      " Yeah, seems nice."  We make our way to the sidewalk and start walking away from the diner.                              

     " So that is another neighborhood. That is the sports store slash weapons store. Because they sell both."                         
    " How many times have you been to town?"                                                                   
   " Not a lot, but enough to know where everything is." I laugh. So, me being me (which is sometimes a little overkill) I have decided to pull Embry's tail.               
  " You know if you wanted to go on a date, you could have just asked." He stops right in his tracks. I stop a little after and turn to face him.                              
  " W-What?" He is stammering, how cute. Wait no. Stop that.                                 
   " You know, the offer to give me a tour, the dinner, you could have just asked." I can't believe I'm still holding a straight face. I have known him for probably just a few hours altogether.         

   " Uh, um. Wha-" I cut him off by my laughing.                                                            
  " I-I Omg. I'm sorry I couldn't keep it straight anymore. You should've seen your face." I stop laughing and pull myself together. He's just holding a confused face. " I was playing around. I was pulling your tail." He isn't saying anything. Oh, my, gosh it was overkill.    " I am sensing that I definitely overkilled that. I am sorry." I am panicking, I am an idiot.  " I really shouldn't have done that; I just ruined a potential friendship didn't I?"                                                           
     " No, I am just as good as you are though. Maybe better, since I got you by being silent." He say's a smile on his face. I let out a sigh of relief, great he does not hate me. Wait.                                    
  " Did you say better than me? I believe you stammered. I just apologized 3 or 4 times." He laughs.                 " I

   " I stammered over not knowing what to say. You apologized once because you felt bad." Seriously, Man. No one has got me to do that, I usually just let them be mad.                      
     " You should feel lucky, I lost my charms, because I was trying to make a new friend.  Usually, I don't apologize for my jokes being misunderstood."                 
   " Me too, maybe that's why we make good friends. My friends Jacob and Quil sometimes get them but-"                             
     " Because of my naturally funny talent slash me being a girl is better. Am I right?" He just smiles and shakes his head. If I didn't know any better, I'd say we've been friends for forever, that's what it feels like. Only because we get along well. " So, it's getting late. Do you need a ride home?"                           
    " Yeah, sure." We start walking again. As we get to my car my mom calls.                               
       " Mama."                                                       
     " What are you doing?"  How rude, she thinks I'm up to something.                        
    " Nothing, I was just about to ask if I could be like 15 minutes late, because I need to drop my friend off."                           
    " What friend?"                                           
    " The one I met at the beach yesterday."                                                           
    " I guess, be safe." YES! Awesome, thought that would go a totally different route. " As long as I know his name."              

" Did I say it was he?" I am confused on this.         

"Yes, when you mentioned a new friend yesterday. The tour."

"It's Embry. That's still his name. Pretty sure I mentioned that too." I had turned away, and lowered my voice so he couldn't here me talking about him. I mean that would be weird. " OK, I'll be on my way in a bit." When I hang up Embry is already in the passenger seat. " So, my last name is Gale. Thought you should know. Told you other stuff, but I don't think we did last names." I chuckle awkwardly. UGH, I wish I was not as awkward with him as  much as I am.
    " Call, Embry Achak Call is my full name." That is such a beautiful name. Stop, gosh just met no crushing. " If you go that way you'll get to the main road of the rez. Then turn that way after a minute and we'll be at my house."
  " Nice. I like your middle name."

"It means Spirit. My mom is kinda into that stuff a bit to much." We both lightly laugh.

"My middle name is Freya. After the Norse goddess of love, fertility, sorcery, gold, war and death. My Grams picked it, she's also super weird about stuff. So you're not alone. Now we know somewhat more about each other than most people after only knowing each other about a day its fun."
   " And you know where I live now too." We both laugh at it as I pull up to his house. " Well, this is me. See you later."
     " Yeah. Have a goodnight."
   " If you want we could hang out on that cliff edge after school tomorrow."
  " Uhh, yeah. My Tuesdays are free right now anyway."
  " Cool" He puts his hand out in front of me. " Handshake." He says after I just look at it for a second. I reach my hand out and follow what he does. " That is our new handshake, it's copyrighted to us. Secret handshake." I laugh. Omg, we have a secret handshake. This is amazing I look away so he doesn't see my blush, because I know I have one.
  " I'll see you tomorrow then, Call. "
" See you later, Gale." He walks off, so I pull out of the drive way.
    When I get home I turn off the car, and go straight to my room. I brush my teeth, and put on pajamas. My schedule for tomorrow is full. School, beach with Embry, go to sleep. Also I have to talk to Bella tomorrow, and not be at a loss of what to say.

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