Chapter 22

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   I wake up feeling really warm. Not like a blanket is over me warm, because all I feel is a small portion of my stomach covered by another arm.

   I open my eyes, and see a mop of black hair. I roll to my side a smile placing itself on my face.

   My hand reaches for his hair, and combs through it.

    His arm moves, and pulls me closer. He moved to where his head lays on my stomach instead, and his arm is on my waist.

    My hand continues going through his black locks, and it feels normal. Like I was born to do this. It's weird I know, but everything I do with him feels so natural.

    I sit up resting my head against the headboard of my bed. Still running my fingers through his hair.

    I love doing this. Waking up next to him. Him laying on me. It's so amazing to wake up to. I love him.

    So much. I don't want to say it yet though. It's been a day of us being official I've got to wait. I've had feelings for a while and they've grown to that, but I don't know about him.



   It's been a month. A beautiful month.

    Bella and I hung out. Sort of. She doesn't really talk much. She sat there calling Jake most of the time. I'm going over tomorrow, so maybe it'll be different.

    Embry and I have hung out everyday. Unless he's on patrol -which is most of the time-, and he even promised that he'd take me cliff diving soon. Bella told me about how she saw them all doing it once, and I bet he looks hot doing it. Shirtless. Being brave enough to actually jump in. Did I mention shirtless? I know most of the time he just wears shorts because of their body temperature, but every time its a planned meet up, or he surprises me, he's always wearing a full outfit. Obviously if he's comfortable wearing no shirt I'm fine with it, but THE BODY TEMPERATURE! None of the others wear a shirt and he doesn't unless he's with me. So naturally I'm freaking out sometimes about it.

Does he feel uncomfortable? Maybe the only reason he does like me is because of the imprint, and has decided that maybe-

"Babe? What's wrong? Did something happen while I was gone?" Embry sits at the end of my bed, my door still closing from him coming in.

My face heats up quickly from my thoughts even possibly coming out of my mouth. I can't tell him I'm freaking out because he's wearing a shir- it's even coming out wrong in my head!

"Wh- why would something be wrong?" I awkwardly chuckle, and stutter my voice getting higher pitched as I speak. That makes his brows furrow, and nose scrunch up. His eyes scan my face, and it makes me sigh. "Actually its just really embarrassing. I. Embry are you uncomfortable around me?" I blurt it out after I start losing my confidence. "I mean I know you guys run off really high body temperature, and that its why you guys where only shorts, but you. This sounds so wrong. Can I just be sucked into a hole?" I say the last bit to myself, the look he's giving me is so confused. His nose scrunches more, and then all of a sudden he leans it back. His features relax, and he smiles. A chuckle comes out of his mouth, and he faces me. His hands finds my left cheek, and my left hip. He pulls me in and pecks my lips.

It was short. Literally a peck. He pulls away. His facial features turn serious, and I get a bad feeling in my stomach

"I promise you I am far from uncomfortable. Like if you haven't seen me, I'm a teenage boy. And a really hot teenage girl is my girlfriend. Like smokin'." We both laugh at that. "I wanted to make sure you were comfortable. I can endure wearing proper clothing. Also I walk through the front door usually, and Grams scares me." I laugh even harder at that, and when I see him during my fit his eyes are sparkling. Like its as if their actual stars. I feel my heart beat rise, and my stomach feels like its floating, but also has a bunch of butterflies trying to get more space. I feel my cheeks get hotter. My eyes travel to his lips. What he just said made me swoon. I just described it, I couldn't believe he could get any better, but he did. He keeps making me question why I didn't meet him sooner. I'm happy that the ancestors allowed us to find each other. That we get to grow old, and be happy. Not everyone gets this, and I love that I did.

I lean forward wrapping arms around his neck to pull him to me. My lips find his, and it's like a puzzle piece finding its match. Two magnets that had a building tension finally brought together.

He rests his hands on my waist, and pulls me closer. Suddenly, way to suddenly, he pulls away, looking at my door. He scoots away, and fixes his hair.

"Someone's coming up,' he states.

My sadness is washed away in a tsunami as panic sets in. I'm so glad that he has super hearing as my door opens and Grams walks in. When he mentioned someone coming up like thirty seconds ago I had gotten a piece of paper and stood up in front of him.

I turn to her.

"Grams! You interrupted my speech! You might as well hear it too. Take front row." The paper is blank. I had no speech. I just say the first thing on my mind, and it was everything Embry just told me. He made a speech about us, he called me hot.

"No. No, I don't want to intrude. You guys have fun studying. Though I have to ask what this speech is for." My mouth drops open. I close it, and smile.

"Well. It's a speech for a very good friend. I had a fall out. I feel a heartfelt speech would help, it'll also be my English Lit project." I have no idea where this came from. I completely made that up, and I do have an English Lit project due, and a friend that I've lost touch with so I added them together.

Bella has changed. She became depressed, and then hung out with Jake so much after completely ditching us only hanging out with me if I showed up (and didn't intiate anything), and now she's talking about me confronting him with her tomorrow. The drama. I don't have a good feeling about this so I said yes.

Embry still doesn't know. I mean between kissing, and GRAMS WALKING IN I was distracted.

So I actually have had more on my mind lately.

I have also had more dreams, and kinda destroyed my dresser as well. It kinda sucks. Knowing someone very close to me is going to die, and I literally am useless. What's the point of having this power to predict deaths and try to save the person if I can't even know who it is?

It's depressing. Embry saves all these people in two towns, and I won' be able to save one person. These powers are proving to be bad again. I discover my full power, and now it won't show me everything I need to know, and the voices don't help since they decide to just mix together. It's like every time I get control it vanishes. My brain is overworking with everything going on.

"That sounds interesting sweetheart. Now make sure you keep six feet apart. I'm not dumb."

Embry's smile falls, and his cheeks get darker, my victory smile did as well. That's not very wanted. Its not like we did anything bad.

Right? Maybe we should go other places too. Grams is just creepily all knowing.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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