i'm not special

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Sadie's POV

I sat in the park by myself watching the day fade into night. The stars shined down at me and I wish I could feel like this all the time.

Unfortunately, life sometimes has reality come to slap you across the face.

I sat up and grabbed my backpack. I started on my way home and walked as slowly as possible to avoid being there.

I took the main roads to avoid any backstreet gang fights between Greasers and Socs. I didn't need to get caught up in any of that. They'd kill me in a heartbeat.

I always wished I had fit in better with people. I have friends, don't get me wrong. Just not good ones.

They'd drop me the second they get a chance and I just know it. .

I also wished I had fit in better with my family. I've always been told I was the odd one out. I'm not special in anyway.

I'm the second oldest. My brothers are ten, twelve and sixteen. I'm thirteen, but I turn fourteen in a few months.

My mom is gorgeous. Well, on the outside at least. The inside is a whole different story, but I don't feel like dealing with that sappy stuff.

My dad is super helpful to pretty much everyone except me. Everyone always calls him when somethings wrong and he will always be there.

My older brother, Darrel, is super handy. He can fix anything and everything. He can also build whatever you ask for. He's good with tools.

My younger brother, Sodapop, can tell you anything about cars. Exact color, year, model, everything. I do mean every. Single. Thing.

My youngest brother, Ponyboy, is a huge book worm and he loves to read. He's also super super smart. He aces everything he does and he loves the little things in life. He's like the golden child.

Me on the other hand, I have nothing going for me. I've tried countless school sports, but I didn't care for any of them. I'm just an average student. I don't know much of anything about one subject.

So I understand where people are coming from when they say I'm the odd one out.

I'm not special.

I eventually made it home, even though I wasn't sure if I wanted to. I walked in the door, threw my bag in the pile of backpacks and kicked my shoes off.

"Hey, Sadie."

"Hi, Soda."

"Where have ya been?"

"The park. I did my homework and got caught up there."


I started towards my room to avoid conversation with everyone else. "Sadie!" Dad called out.

I sighed. "Yeah?" I asked.

"What are you up to? Why are you being so sneaky?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow without responding. "You have chores to do."

"What? I did all them." I said dumbly.

"Did you water the flowers outside?"

I raised an eyebrow. "No. Ponyboy said he would do it."

Ponyboy poked out of his room. "Uh oh. I forgot. I'm sorry, Sadie. I'll get it." He said.

"Ponyboy, room, now." Dad said.

"Get out there and do it. If you just love being outside so much this shouldn't be a problem."

"I never said I wouldn't do it. All I said is that I didn't know I was supposed to. It was an accident." I said, sympathetically, but sternly.

"Then get out there and water the damn plants!" He yelled.

I opened my mouth to speak, but moms voice echoed through the house. "Sadie! Just do the damn chore!" She yelled.

"I'm doing it!" I said losing my patience.

I grabbed the watering can and filled it up with water. I opened the door and Comet, our dog, knocked me over, eager to get inside.

I groaned as my face hit the pavement.

"Comet! Stop! Come back!" I yelled once I focused again.

I picked myself up and slipped through the spilled water from the watering can, chasing my dog through the house.

"Comet?" Darry asked as I ran by.

"Sadie!" I heard dad yell.

I grabbed Comets collar and stopped him from jumping around. "Comet, stop." I whispered.

"Are you kidding me, Sadie?" Dad yelled. Mom trailed behind him. "I asked of ONE thing and you fail to do it. Get him outside and clean the mess he made!"

Mom turned around with him. "I don't want ANY of you boys helping her. You got it? This is her mess and she's gonna fix it." She said pointing her finger and my brothers.

"Ok." They all mumbled.

I sighed and took Comet outside. I put him back on his leash and refilled the watering can.

"Thanks a lot, Comet." I muttered. I groaned. "I know it's not your fault. Dogs like to do doggy things, I guess." I muttered.

I watered the first set of plants. "Do you ever wonder if there's more to life than being stuck on a leash?" I asked.

I laughed at myself. "Im talking to my dog."

I finished watering the plants and went back inside. I closed the screen door. Comet winced. "No, Comet. I already got in trouble for you. You have to stay outside. Good night." I said with a slight smile.

I closed the door and started to clean up the muddy paw prints off the ground. Everyone already went to bed; so, I made sure to stay quiet.

"Hey, Sadie. Need any help?" Sodapop whispered.

I looked up. "Nah, I'm ok. Thanks, though."

"You sure? Mom and dad are asleep."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Don't need you getting in trouble, too."

"They wouldn't get me in trouble. You'd just get in more trouble."

I almost laughed. Instead I just grinned. "Glad I'm not the only one who realizes it." I muttered.

"Do you at least want some company?" He asked.

"Thanks, Soda, but I really just wanna be alone right now."

I saw his smile fade slightly. "Oh. Ok. Well, goodnight. I'll see ya tomorrow."

"See ya. Good night."

I finished cleaning up the mud dragged through the house and went to my bedroom. I changed out of my clothes and noticed the bruise forming on my head from when Comet knocked me over. It wasn't too bad, but I noticed it easily.

I laid down wondering if anything was ever gonna change. If I was always gonna be the recluse of the family.

If I was always gonna be the least favorite.

The odd one out.

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