a real date

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Sadie's POV

I hesitantly walked up to the door and peaked inside. I saw Darry and Ponyboy there. I didn't see Sods, though. Might be at work. It's Saturday and I think he said he works a double.

I knocked on the door and took a breath. Ponyboy opened the door and gave me a puzzled look.

Before he could say anything, I blurted out, "Surprise! I'm back! Can I move in with you guys!" I have them a super excited and enthusiastic tone.

"Wait? You wanna live with us?" Ponyboy asked. Darry gave me the same puzzled look Ponyboy did.

"Depends... you gonna say yes?" I asked, still with a grin.

"DARRY! SADIE'S MOVING BACK IN!" Ponyboy yelled.

I laughed. "Finally." Darry said.


Darry, Pony and I all made our way to the DX to see Sodapop. We saw Steve, Dallas, Johnny, and Two-Bit there when we arrived.

"Hey, guys." Ponyboy said.

"Hey." They said collectively.

"I'm gonna go find Soda." I said to Darry.

"Oh, hey Sadie! You're back. Sooner than i thought." Johnny said.

I grinned. "Me too."

I walked inside and looked at the guy. I didn't recognize him. "Is Sodapop out back?" I asked.

"Add your name to the list." He said, without looking up from his magazine.

Not this again.

"Actually, Soda probably does wanna see her." Steve said peaking his head through the door.

"Oh. Alright. Yeah, he's out back."

I walked out back and saw him talking to a girl. I waved once he looked away from her and saw me.

"Sadie! You're back!" He said, pushing past her.

"Soda?" The girl said, clearly annoyed. "Hello?"

"Bye, Kelli." He said throwing a towel on the chair and walking past her towards me. "Whatcha doing back here? I mean, I'm excited, but I didn't expect to see ya so soon."

"Surprise! I'm moving back home and heading to college here in the fall." I said with a grin, hoping he'd be happy.

He looked at me with a wave of shock over his face. "Seriously?" I nodded. He hugged me and smiled. "Finally!" He said.

I laughed. "Took long enough."


A few weeks went by and I had set my room up just as I did in New York.

I was finally home.

For real this time.

Everyone was in the back playing football while I sat and ate a sandwich inside.

"Hey." Dallas said walking inside.

"Football finally wear ya out?" I asked.

"Nope. Just needed some water."

I raised an eyebrow as I watched him grab a cup and fill it with tap water. I expected him to drink it, but he dumped it all over his head instead.

I grinned as some splashed on me.

"How's unpacking going?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"Just finished. Just how I like it." I said, finishing the sandwich and wiping the crumbs off my hands with my napkin.

"Cool." He said.

I grinned. "Yeah..."

It was kinda awkward. I wished it wasn't so weird.

"So... I've kinda wanted to ask you this, but never knew when to say anything."

I raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

"How do ya say we go on a real date. Like- ok... umm... I dunno. Like we can- I don't know... uhh..."

I laughed at his stutter. "Umm... wow. How about this... I'll think about it." I said with a grin.

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Alright. Deal." We shook hands just before he walked back outside.

As soon as he was outta sight I smiled.





Everyone eventually left and went back home. Darry, Soda, Pony and I all ate dinner and we went to bed.

I finished some of my school work early so I could stay up later and stress about the question Dallas asked me earlier.

He wants to go on a date with me.

I didn't think he liked me like that when I first got to know him and towards some of the last times I saw him.

Maybe that's why our conversation was so awkward.

He knew more than me.

I sat in the kitchen at ungodly hours of the night wondering what I should do.

I wanted to. I really did.

But he's my brothers friend.


I looked over to the doorway to see Darry. "Oh. Sorry. Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it's fine. I thought it was Two-Bit." He said, turning in a light.

"Oh. Is he here?" I asked.

"No, but I leave the door unlocked for him in case he gets kicked out."

"Aww. That's sweet." I said with a grin.

He gave me a small one back. "Whatcha doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"You ok?"

"Yeah. I'm just-" I stopped. "Can I ask you something and promise you won't get mad?"

He thought for a second. "How about this... I might get mad, but I won't show it."

I chuckled a bit. "Fine." I sighed. "So someone asked me out today."

"Oh, thank God." He said quickly. I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were gonna say you were going back to New York."

I smiled. "Nope. I'm here for good."

"So Dallas finally asked ya out?" He asked.

My eyes widened. "You knew?"

"Nope. Lucky guess." I grinned at those two words.

"I said I'd think about it. I wanted to do what I thought was best, but then I thought you guys would hate me if I chose wrong."

He sighed. "Look, I'm gonna be honest. I'm not mad, but I'm more worried. I know the type of guy Dal is and I don't think he's a good guy."

I frowned. "But... he won't stop talking about you and when you were still doing the competition, he was very concerned about you. Kept asking questions like any of us knew the answer to it." We both laughed. "I'm surprised it took him this long, to be honest. Never seen him more into a girl than I have with you."

At least it was dark so he couldn't see my face get red.

"So, speaking on behalf of all of us, it's up to you. We won't be mad. I promise that. We've all heard the way he's been talking about ya."

I smiled. "Thanks, Darry." I said, hugging him.

"Of course. Now get some sleep. It's late."

"Alright. G'night." I said.

"Night, Sades."

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