people talk

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Darrel's POV

I woke up with a yawn and say up, quickly. I wanted to make sure Sadie was ok and mom and dad weren't gonna bust her.

I didn't hear anyone awake yet. That was a good sign.

I hesitantly opened her door to keep quiet, but to my surprise, nobody was there.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. I looked around her bed and in her closet.

Nobody was in this room.

I looked on the bed. An ID was there. It was her, but it wasn't real. It said she was eighteen.

She's fourteen.

I wonder how many times she's used this.

I opened the door and saw her stuff still sitting by the front door. I quickly grabbed it and hid it in her room so, mom and dad wouldn't notice.

"Hey, Darry." I heard someone say as I closed Sadie's door.

I quickly turned around. "Hey, Soda. You're up early."

"Yeah. I know. Is Sadie ok?" He asked.

I sighed. "Sadie's gone..." I muttered.

How else was I supposed to tell him she wasn't here? I had to be blunt.

"What do you mean gone?" He asked nervously.

"Shh!" I said quickly. "Don't let mom and dad hear ya. I dunno, though. She's just not here. She left all her stuff."

We both went in her room and I noticed something I didn't notice before.

The window was open.

I walked over to it and looked around. I saw slight footprints below the window. She must have jumped out.

"Darry? What happened to her?" Soda asked.

I got nervous. She left all her stuff, she went out through the window.

"Soda... I think Sadie's gone. And I don't think she's coming back."

Sadie's POV

I walked around, trying to figure out how I was supposed to make money.

I mean, I couldn't afford a house. Hell, I could barely afford a meal.

I couldn't get a job. I don't have the requirements to even apply for one.

My best bet was to just do small jobs for cash.

I spent the next few days wandering around and trying to find small jobs. I've mowed a few lawns, watered some flowers, walked dogs, and anything anyone had to offer.

I made up a fake story that my dad had lost his job and I have three siblings who I needed to help care for.

At least I was honest about one thing.

I made a few bucks within a week and I spent it at a hotel and some food. The first few nights I was on the streets and I slept during the day to avoid any dangerous situations at night.

I also got a few drinks. I knew better than to buy them, I really did. But I couldn't help it. And I had to have someone else buy them for me since I lost my ID.

It made it harder, but I needed them. I couldn't live without them.

A few more days went by, which made it a total of eleven days in New York. I was walking down the street and the sun was about to set. Tonight would have to be another night on the streets. I didn't have enough money for a hotel room, because of the drinks.

"Want this?" Someone said walking next to me.

It startled me. It was an older guy. Maybe mid 20's?

He handed me a slip of paper without a response and walked away. He looked at the girl he was with and they continued their conversation.

I groaned and crumpled it up, throwing it to the floor.

"Come on! The ice skating rink is finally open!"

I turned around and these two kids were running with tickets in their hand. It was the same one that guy gave me.

I stopped and picked up the ticket I had previously thrown to the ground. It was a ticket to a grand opening.

A grand opening to an ice skating rink.

I laughed. Ice skating? I've been a few times before. But I mean... hey, it's free. And it's either this or wandering around the town aimlessly.

I looked at the address on the bottom of the ticket and asked around to see where it was.

I was gonna stick out like a sore thumb.

I had been wearing the same outfit I was wearing when I left Oklahoma with very minimal washed in a hotel bathtub. But the thing is, it's cold up here. It's warmer down south. Maybe not hot, at the moment, but not coat season.

I had shorts, a top and a jacket.

People are wearing winter coats up here.

I didn't think it was that cold, but if that wasn't enough to make me stick out, I also had faded purple hair and a nose ring.

No matter what I do, I'm gonna get judged.

People talk.

That all people do. I've noticed it ever since I've got down here. Something about my choice of clothing. Or my "grape hair" as someone said as I walked by them.

So why not add one more thing to my list.

I found the ice skating rink and handed the guy the ticket. He looked at my fashion and let me in. I got a pair of ice skates and stepped on the rink.

It took me a moment to get used to it, but I quickly adjusted. I've been ice skating before, but only when the lake froze over downtown.

It was fun.

I actually forgot how much I enjoyed this.

I did a few spins and a lot of people were looking at me. I pulled my hair in a bun, so people would stop looking at the purple.

But people were still looking.

I couldn't hide it, but come on. Don't ya have something better to do?

I did a few more laps and decided to get off and take a break. I grinned as I remembered all the memories I had while ice skating.

"Hey! Girl! Come here!" Someone yelled at me.

And to think I might enjoy myself for once.

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