i just walked out

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Sadie's POV

I woke up thirty minutes before my alarm and groaned. I turned my clock off once I realized I wasn't going back to bed.

I got dressed and got up to make myself breakfast. I made more for everyone else, just in case they were hungry.

Mom woke up first and we just simply ignored each other as she ate the food I made her.

Dad woke up next and ate his, without muttering a word to me. Darry, Soda and Pony all woke up around the same time and came into the kitchen.

I finished eating and started to rinse my dish off. "Hey, Comet! You hungry?" Darry asked, through the screen door. I turned around and saw him begging for food at the door.

"I think Sadie can get him his food, don't ya think?" Mom said with a snarky tone.

"It's ok. She made breakfast. I got it." Darry continued.

"Darrel, she said Sadie is capable of doing." Dad drawled.

"I mean, we're all capable of doing it." Ponyboy said speaking up. Mom and dad just glared at him. "Sorry." He said getting the memo.

Darry handed me the already filled scoop and gave me a look of sympathy. I took it and went outside to his bowl.

"Here ya go. Eat up."

I went back inside and got ready for school. I grabbed my bag and I was on my way. I finally made it after the short walk and put my stuff in my locker.

"Hey, Sadie!"

"Hi, Crystal." I muttered finishing up organizing my things.

"Dev and I are going to the drive in tonight. Wanna come?"

"Sure. Sounds like fun." I said with a slight smile.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah. What's playing?"

"Umm... I'm not sure. I'll see ya later then." She said, her voice dropping every word.

"Ok. See ya!" I said excitedly.

At least I had something to look forward to.

The school day dragged on just like every other Friday. I went through six boring classes begging for the day to be over.

The final bell ring and I was quick to walk out of the school for the weekend. I decided to go to the library and finish my homework before I went to the drive in with Crystal and Devyn.

By the time I finished, I had just enough time to go home, drop off my stuff, head to the drive in and be there time.

And I did just that.

I poked my head through the door and just threw my stuff to the ground so I didn't have to deal with my parents telling me to do anything just yet.

I walked to the drive in and I gave the man at the front two quarters. I looked around to see if I saw Crystal or Dev.

The movie had just started, but maybe they were running a little late. I sat down in the back so I could see if they were coming in.

Seconds turned to minutes which turned to hours.

Two hours and the movie was over. They never came. I looked and looked and looked and I just ended up missing the whole movie.

I wonder if something happened to them?

I decided to go downtown and get something to eat. I walked in the diner and sat down. I looked around and I saw the back of Crystal's hair.

I looked to the side of her and I saw Devyn next to her and another girl who I didn't recognize.

I wanted to go over and confront them. Ask them why they ditched me, but I changed my mind. I didn't need to deal with whatever they had to say. It was clear what they're intentions were.

I just walked out.

I took a slow, dreadful walk home. It was the same thing every day. Except today I lost my only friends.

I walked through the door and looked around. Mom and dad weren't in sight. "Hi, Darry." I said with a smile.

"Hey, Sadie. What were you out doing tonight?" He asked.

"I went to the drive in with my friends." I said keeping it vague. I didn't say anything else. I looked up to Darry. I didn't want him knowing I got booted from my friend group like I did.

"Sounds fun. Mom and dad are out to dinner tonight so we're pretty much on our own tonight. Soda and Pony were gonna play a board game, but I made them wait for you to get home. You down?" He asked.

"Yeah. Sounds fun!" I said, excitedly.

At least my brothers would never ditch me.

"Soda! Pony! Get the game out!" Darry called out.

We all went out back and sat at the chairs. We played a few rounds and I actually had a good time with them tonight. I was surprised.

We saw headlights from the front of the house and I tried not to let my sadness show.

"We're home!" We heard mom call from the kitchen.

Comet started barking, yearning to see mom and dad. "Boys?" Dad called out.

"We're out here!" Pony yelled.

Darry and Soda went silent. So did I. "What are you all doing?" Dad asked, his voice dropping.

"We're playing a game." I said speaking up.

"Get inside. All of you. Now." Mom said.

Pony, Soda and Darry all started to put the game away and I tried to help, but dad slapped my hands down.

"You are to pick all this stuff up and get to bed. I don't want anymore trouble with you." He said, pointing his finger in my face.

"I wasn't doing anything." I said.

"Don't talk back to me, you understand that?"

"I- yes." I muttered.

"I want all this picked up. Now."

He went inside and slammed the door behind him. I gave up arguing with him. I don't understand what I did. Why did I deserve this?

I wish my parents would just disappear.

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