it's not a date

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Sadie's POV

I waited to walk out with Cassidy so everyone could leave before and we wouldn't get stuck with any interviews or traffic.

After what felt like forever, we opened the doors and walked to her car.

"Sadie!" Some called out.

I turned around, despite Cassidy tell me to keep walking, because it sounded like Dallas. To my surprise, it was.

"Hey, what's up."

"Sadie, let's go." Cassidy said.

"I'll be there in just a second." I said, rolling my eyes.

"So... umm... good job." He started.

"Thanks." I said awkwardly. Was that all he needed?

"But I actually really need to talk to you. It's important."

"Well, what is it?" I asked.

"It's gonna take some time and it looks like you need to go." Dallas said.

Cassidy honked the horn.

I groaned. "Yeah I guess I do."

"You free sometime this week? I know you got a lot going on."

"I'm kinda busy this week. But next Sunday, after the competition, I'll have some time."

"Next Sunday?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, wanna head to the diner downtown? Six o'clock?"

I thought for a second. "Umm... sure. Can I get some information now?" I asked.

Dallas opened his mouth to speak, but Cassidy honking the horn cut him off.

"Never mind. I'll see you next Sunday at six."

"Yep. See ya..." He muttered.

He walked off and I walked to the car. "What was that for?" I asked.

"I could be asking you the same thing. Who is that guy?"

"He's the taxi driver who kicked me out in the highway. One of my brothers friends."

"What are you planning, Sadie?" She asked with a tint of anger.

"Nothing. He said he had something important to tell me, but it would take a while. So we're going to the diner next Sunday."

"Sadie are you kidding me?" She asked.

"What! He said it was important!"

"You're going on a date now? While the biggest competition of your life is going on?"

"It's not a date!" I yelled. "He just had something to tell me! Ew!"

She rolled her eyes and backed out of the parking spot.

It's not a date.


It's like a hangout. Between two friends.

Minus the friends. I barely know him.

Cassidy's crazy.


Back again. Madelyn goes on and I'm losing my mind about how amazing everyone else is at skating and the thousands of beady eyes starting at you.

"Next up we have, Sadie Curtis!" The announcer yelled.

I skated out and waved at everyone with a smile on my face, waiting for the music to start.

I counted myself in and focused on the spins and jumps ahead of me.

I finished off and waved goodbye to everyone.

I got off and sighed. "Good job, Sadie. You looked great." Cassidy said.

I sat down and sighed. "Why is this so much more stressful than all the other competitions?" I asked, more to myself than her.

"Cause it's a bigger deal. I know it's hard, but you're doing so good. Trust me."

A couple hours went by and everyone finished their routines. The judges took their time to decide who lost from each division.

"Ladies, can we welcome you on out?"

We all got out in our order and I waited for the stressful announcement.

"Alright, good job everyone. You all looked wonderful. In first place with a score of 45/50, we have... Ashley VonCamp!"

They put a medal around her neck.

"Now, congratulations to the seven other girls who made it. Behind Ashley we have Nora, Kathleen, Sadie, Lindy, Madelyn, Rebecca and Carly. Kimberly, I'm sorry, you had the lowest score of 32/50."

Kimberly stood there for a moment and skated off.

"Congratulations girls. See you all next week!"

We all skated off as they asked for the boys to come out.

Kimberly was sobbing in the corner to her mom about how she knew she couldn't do it and how she was an awful skater.

Man, this stuff really gets to your head.

Dallas' POV

Sodapop and Ponyboy were watching the TV and I never realized how much of a fan they were for their big sister.

I always thought Darry was the only one who cared about her. Now it seems to be the opposite.

Then again, maybe he was the only one who would stand up to their parents. But now that they aren't around they can support her without getting yelled at?

I guess if I'm meant to find out, I'll find out. But for now, I'll just have to live with what I've got.

The day went on and I looked at the clock. "Shoot, I've gotta go." I said, lighting a cigarette.

"Where ya goin', Dal?" Johnny asked.

"Gotta meet Tim somewhere. Asked me to help him with soccer again."

I walked out to try and avoid any further questions with anyone else.

Sadie's POV

I looked at the clock. Shoot, I'm gonna be late!

I changed out of my pajamas and into something more presentable to the public eye.

I brushed my hair and grabbed the envelope I got when I was accepted to nationals.

"Where ya going?" Cassidy asked.

"The diner with Dallas."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah. Don't be out too late. We gotta go to bed early tonight. Our practice time is at nine in the morning."

"I know. I'll be back as soon as possible. We're just going out to eat and I'll be back. Want anything?"

"Nope. I'll get room service." She said, crashing on the bed.

I laughed. "Alright. See ya." I said, closing the door behind me.

I walked quickly to the diner and hoped it was the right one. There's more than one diner, but when someone says "the diner downtown," it normally meant this one. At least that's how it was when I lived here.

"Glad I'm not the only one running late." Someone said next to me.

I laughed. "I got distracted." I said as we walked up to the door.

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