live television

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Sadie's POV

After I snapped back into reality, I walked off the ice and into the room again. I put my shoes on and left some of my stuff in a locker for next week.

I went out into the bright sunlight and looked around for any type of direction to get to the hotel I'm staying at.

The hotel was supposed to be really close to the skating rink, but I didn't see it and I wasn't one hundred percent sure where I really was.

"Hey, you look like you're lost." Someone said from behind me.

I turned around and saw it was the judge I bet earlier.

"Yeah," I said with a slight laugh. "I'm just looking for the hotel I'm supposed to be staying at."

"Gotcha. It'll be back that way to your right. You'll see it once you get past all the trees."

"Oh! Thank you. Gosh, I would have never found it." I said, grinning.

"Glad I could help!"

I walked to the hotel, checked in and laid on the bed. Cassidy wasn't supposed to be here for another day because of the long drive; so, I was pretty much on my own.

I spent the rest of the night ordering room service and trying to plan the rest of my week. I took a shower and organized my stuff before heading to bed.

I woke up early in the morning and got breakfast from the lobby and decided I wanted to head out and see the town.

I headed to the park down the street from the diner. I wanted to go to the one close to home, but I wouldn't risk it.

I walked along and admired all the pretty green leaves on the trees. It wouldn't be long before they started turning brown.

I looked down as a soccer ball hit my leg.

"Hey, pass it back!" Someone yelled.

I kicked it to the voice from behind me and continued walking.

"Hey! Wait up!" They yelled.

I turned around only to realize it was that taxi driver from yesterday. "Oh, hi." I said once I noticed.

"Whatcha doing over here? I thought you had ice skating stuff."

"Not for another week. And I'm on my own for a few more hours so I decided to look around. Don't you have a job to be at?" I asked with a slight grin.

"Nah, not today. I'm helping my friend with his soccer skills, although I'm not very good at it. Wanna join us?"

"No, but thanks for the offer. I was gonna go get lunch, anyway."

"Alright. Well, maybe I'll see ya around."

"Yeah. I'll be here for a while so chances are you will." I said with a laugh.

"Come on, man! Get back here!" His friend yelled.

"I'm comin'! Hang on."

I laughed. "Well, you look busy."

"He can wait." He said, rolling his eyes. "See ya around, Sadie."

"See ya." I muttered. Just as we both turned around I stopped. "Wait!"

He turned around. "What's up?"

"I never did catch your name."

He hesitated. "You aren't gonna get me fired, are ya?"

I laughed. "I have better things to do. I don't know how badly you need that job. I wouldn't wanna be the one to ruin it." He still gave me a look indicating he wasn't sure if he believed me. "Alright fine. Don't tell me." I said turning around.

"Wait. Fine." He said stopping in front of me. "Dallas Winston, nice to meet ya." He said holding his hand out.

I laughed. "Sadie Curtis, although you already seem to know me pretty well."

He grinned. "The basics."

The basics of my life...

I shuddered at what he could possibly know.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah, I had purple hair, a nose ring, and an alcohol problem. The basics." I said, mocking him.

"Doesn't everyone have an alcohol problem?"

I laughed. "I'll see ya around." I said, walking away.

I noticed him grin before he went back to playing soccer with his friend.

I went to a deli and got a sandwich for lunch before heading back to the hotel. Cassidy got there a couple hours later and settled in.

Now all I have to look forward to is our meeting before the competition starts.


"Welcome everyone. It's a pleasure to have you all here." The first judge said. "I'm Thomas Nickel. Next to me is Melissa Graber and Julian Worthing. We will be judging you all over the next few weeks."

The guy went over some things we already knew and gave us a second to introduce ourselves to each other. I met some of the guys from the mens division and some of my opponents.

More basic details were given, but it was all stuff I assumed would happen. Like no foul play, good sportsmanship, get a good nights rest, and when our practice days were.


We had one more hour before we all went on live TV.

Live television...

My nerves were starting to kick in.

The sound of it all stressed me out even more.

I was gonna be on TV!

How bizarre is that?

"Sadie, get ready. You're on after Madelyn and she's almost ready." Cassidy said.

I shook my nerves off and waited for Madelyn.

"Now for the moment you've all been waiting for, our first performer, Madelyn DeLawrence!"

The crowd cheered and cheered as she skated through the door and into the rink.

"Madelyn, please tell us a little bit about yourself."

"Hi, I'm Madelyn DeLawrence, I'm 18, I was born in Stamford, Connecticut, and I've won one hundred and thirty-five competitions."

My mouth dropped. One hundred thirty-five!

Cassidy must have noticed my nervousness. "Look, she might just have one of the higher numbers. We don't know."

She gave the microphone back to the judges and tightened the ribbon in her hair before the music started playing.

She did it all effortlessly and casually. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It made me regret my excitement over being second. I wish now I had more time to prepare myself for ultimate failure.

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