everyone was silent

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Sadie's POV

We all went into Claire's bedroom and Nevaeh stared to put it on my face. It felt weird. I didn't really do makeup. I never felt the need to, quite yet.

It took what seemed like forever for her to finish. Finally I stood up and looked in the mirror and... wow.

I didn't even look like me anymore.

"Well? Whaddya think?" She asked.

"I love it." I said with a playful laugh. She really was good at doing someone's makeup. Especially because I know I was not good at sitting still.

"Let's head on over to your place. I wanna see this go down." Claire said.

"Alright." I muttered.

Nevaeh let me borrow some of her clothes and we started walking to my house. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I knew this was a bad idea. I had a feeling I was gonna be in a lot of trouble.

I was 100% sure that feeling was correct.

I walked up to my house and turned around to Claire and Nevaeh to get reassurance from them. They both nodded and motioned me to go in.

I walked up another step before I heard Claire call me back. "Here. Take this." She said handing me a cigarette and a match.

"Alright." I muttered. I had a feeling she could see my heart beating out of my chest.

"Relax and just do it." She whispered.

I took a breath and lit the cigarette. I opened the door and hoped everyone was home. I saw their car so I guessed then were.

I slammed the screen door so then would all notice me and Nevaeh and Claire could still here. Ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry were all on the couch and mom and dad were in the kitchen.

Everyone was silent.

"Sadie Jane Curtis what the hell happened to you?" Mom said, finally breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me!? You look like a hood!" She yelled.


"I am a greaser. We don't have money." I said, trying to convey my annoyance.

"I don't have time for your silly games that you teenagers like to play. Socs and greasers aren't a think. You look like trash and that's that." Mom yelled.

"Get this shit off of you. If you aren't back to normal by tomorrow you aren't welcomed back here!" Dad yelled.

I laughed. "Then I guess I won't be welcomed back here." I said puffing a smoke cloud in his face.

He coughed and I thought he was gonna hit me, but he seemed too shocked to do so.

"Well I guess if I'm not welcomed I'll just get my stuff and leave." I said with a fake grin.

I walked to my bedroom and grabbed my backpack and shoved as much stuff as I could in it.

"Sadie?" Someone asked softly.

I looked up. It was Darry. "What?" I asked, rudely.

"Are you ok? What happened?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened. I did this to myself and I'm proud of it."

"Are you gonna get rid of it?" He asked walking closer.

I laughed. "No. Why would I want to?"

"Because... I mean you look ridiculous." He said. I could tell he was trying not to hurt my feelings, but I didn't care.

"Oh, shut up." I said angrily.

"Knock it off." He said getting slightly annoyed.

"I don't care what you say! You aren't not the boss of me and I'm not getting rid of it all!" I yelled.

I felt bad for yelling at Darry. I really did. I always knew he just wanted what was best for all of us.

"Alright. Fine." Darry said. He walked out without another word.

I really didn't think I was being selfish till after I snapped at him. I know he cared about me. At least a little bit. I was wrong for yelling at him. I knew I was.

I wished I had turned back and apologized. Because, little did I know, that was the last time I talked to Darry for a while.

I went back through the door without a word to anyone. Mom and dad stared at me like I was crazy, which I also kinda thought I was loosing my mind to be honest.

Darry looked disappointed. Like he felt bad maybe. Pony did, too.

Soda tried to stop me and talk to me, but I ignored it. I tried to just completely block my eardrums, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

The way he said my name for the last time wasn't something I'd ever wanna hear again.

Sodapop's POV

"Sadie, wanna play a game?" I asked as she walked past us. She completely ignored me. "Sadie?" I asked again.

Darry frowned. It almost looked like she slightly hesitated before opening the door. "Sadie?" I asked one more time.

She closed the door and mom and dad looked like they just saw a ghost. I guess that's true if the ghost had purple hair and a diamond in its nose.

"Should we go after her?" I asked.

"You boys go looking for her, there will be consequences. You all know better than to do crazy things like that, right?" Dad asked.

We all collectively nodded. Mom spoke up. "I catch one of you guys looking for her, you're grounded for a month. As of now, she isn't apart of this family."

I found it shocking they could say something like that. Like then could talk about their own flesh and blood like then were nothing.

I never did quite get what they had against Sadie. I overheard Darry tell one of his friends that they had a think against her, because she wasn't traditional. Whatever that meant.

But all I could hope for was Sadie would be back soon.

Sadie's POV

I didn't care for one second how badly I'd miss my brothers or Comet or anything back home.

I wasn't going back.

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