realize my mistake

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Sadie's POV

Months went by and I have never worked harder in my life. As much as I didn't want this and really wished I could just stay in New York, I was determined.

I wanted to win.

I knew it would be hard, but I was still gonna try.

Months flew by, even though I didn't want them to, and it was time to fly to Tulsa. I hated flying in airplanes. I've never really been on one before I met Cassidy and I had competitions across America.

But this was the first time I would be flying by myself.

Cassidy was driving down there. Had to bring everything in her car. Too much stuff to fit on one suitcase. I told her I would drive, but she said no. Worried I'd run off or something, I guess.

I didn't plan on it. I don't get cold feet before stuff like this. I said I'd do it, so I'll do it.

The plane ride was awful and tiring. I hated it and I wished I had just insisted on driving with Cassidy instead of giving up so easily.

It was September 1st. Eight days till I have to meet at the arena and meet the other contestants. Cassidy told me to get off and get a taxi to the arena so I can put my ice skating stuff there and meet the judges ahead of time.

I grabbed my bags and stood outside waiting for a taxi to come by.

Finally, one stopped. I opened the passenger door and put my smaller bag in front with all my important stuff in it and my suitcase in the backseat.

"Hi." I said, politely as I closed the door.

"Where are we going?"

Well that was rude.

"Umm... shoot, it was just on top." I said looking for the paper in my bag that had the addresses on them.

"Jesus Christ." The guy muttered.

"Ah! Here it is. 4 N Alice Lane."

"I don't know where that is." He said without missing a beat.

I looked at him in shock. He couldn't have been much older than me. He had a old leather jacket on and regular blue jeans. "Are you even a taxi driver?" I asked, nervously.

"I mean, there's a big sign that says 'taxi' on top. What was your first clue?" He asked, sarcastically.

I groaned. "It's an ice skating arena. I dunno. You don't have a map or anything?" I asked.

"Jesus Christ, you get off a plane and wanna go ice skating." He muttered, more to himself than to me. "Just wait a few months and head to a pond or something." He continued grabbing a map from the glove box.

I tried to move to get out of my way so he could grab it, but he didn't know a thing about respect and he just hit my knees with the compartment door.

"Read this and tell me where to go." He said shoving it in my face.

I groaned and looked at the map. I couldn't find much, but I knew the town well enough to know it wasn't on here.

"It's not on here."

"Then look at the other ones." He said. "I'm not your parent. Do it yourself."

"You might not be my parent, but it is your job." I said, losing my temper. "What's your name? That way I can report you and nobody else will have to deal with your awful service!" I yelled, sorta realizing I shouldn't have told him all that.

He grinned and then spoke up. "Sodapop." He muttered.

I laughed. "You are not Sodapop Curtis." I said crossing my arms and leaning against me side of the door.

He didn't say anything for a second. He kept his left hand on the steering wheel and moved his body to face me.

"How did you know his last name was Curtis?" He asked.

It took me a moment to realize my mistake.

He never said his last name.

I quickly uncrossed my arms and adjusted in my seat. "I-I- I never said that."

"Yeah, you did." He said, dumbly.

"No, you made that up." I said, pointing at him.

"I know what I heard."

"W-well then you- you must have mentioned it."

"All I said was Sodapop. And don't tell me I didn't, because I did it on purpose to make you look like a crazy person if you tried to report me."

I could feel goosebumps on my arms. It's been a half hour here and I already messed it up.

"Lucky guess?"

He could see right through me.

"Who are you and how do you know him?" He asked, looking back at the road so he could pull on the highway.

"I- I don't know him. That's why I said it's a lucky guess."

"Do I look like an idiot?"

"Do you want me to answer that?" I asked, mocking his tone.

"You tell me who you are or I kick you out." He said.

"Fine... kick me out..." I muttered, knowing it would make my life a lot harder than it needs to be.

Before I could even process my thoughts, I flew forward from him slamming on his breaks.

"What the-"

"Get out." He said before I could process what had just happened.

"What?" I screamed.

"Get. Out."

"We're on the middle of a highway!"

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

"N-no, but you can at least pull over?"

"Nope. Bye." He said.


He cut me off by opening the door and getting out. He walked around the car and opened the passenger door. Cars were honking at us and swerving around us, making me even more nervous.

"Get out." He said again.

I was too stunned to speak and it gave him the opportunity to throw my bag out of the car and in front of it.

I just stared at it until I saw papers flying out.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

I ran out and grabbed my bag and the papers that were flying out, which included every single thing I needed for the competition.

Once I got it all and I zoned back into reality, I stormed back up to the passenger door, which the guy was still leaning on and lost my mind.

"My name's Sadie! I'm his fucking sister! Now get back in the fucking car and drive me to where I need to go!"

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