Marco Polo || Chapter 31

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Amelia's POV
"Enjoy your spring break students and we will see you in 10 days!" The Principle spoke in the intercom, his voice appearing through the whole school. My smile was wide as I placed all my unnecessary books in my bag. Today was the last day of school, before the beginning of spring break. We leave for Cuba in the morning, but we're throwing a spring break party tonight, and I've never been this excited before. As I grab my last book, I spot the group of people I've been waiting for. Their smiles as huge as mine. I'm so looking forward to spending the next 10 days with them.
"I'm ready for fun in the sun, bitches!" Becca shouted, jumping for joy.
"I can't wait to do everything down there!" I say, shutting my locker. "We should go, the boys are waiting outside." I throw my back over my shoulder and we make our way out the doors. As we step outside, I look around the parking lot and spot 4 tall guys around a black car parked near mine, one with bright red hair, so we walk in their direction. By the time we get there, Katie and Luke are already sucking face, same for Meghan and Michael, I just wrap my arms around Ashton's neck, his arms wrap around my waist, and I peck his lips.
"How was your day, beautiful?" He asked me, making me blush.
"It was pretty boring, but better now that you're here." I spoke, causing him to smile and blush, before pressing his lips to mine again, he pulled away then pecked my nose, before facing the others. I look at Becca and Calum and they're just having a conversation, in between the awkward silences. We really need to get them together soon, or else someone's gonna die from the awkwardness. I face my attention to the two couples who still are eating each others faces off. I clear my throat and they all pull away.
"So, who's ready for tonight before the girls leave tomorrow?" Ashton piped up, rubbing his hands together. We all cheered and piled into each others vehicles, Ashton, Luke, Katie and I in mine, and then Michael, Meghan, Calum and Becca in the other. I look in the backseat and see my son in his car seat, with his favourite teddy bear in hand.
"Hey there, baby boy!" I greeted him, earning a squeal, followed by some anxious kicking of his legs and a moan. "So, everything set for tonight?" I asked, clapping my hands together.
"Yes, ma'am!" Ashton responded, driving the car out of the parking lot and onto the main road. "Sent out all the texts, picked up all the drinks, cleaned up the house, everything's set!" My jaw dropped, knowing one thing too many was done.
"Ash! I told you I'd clean when we got home! You weren't supposed to do it!" I exclaimed, getting a little annoyed.
"Babe, don't worry! I didn't mind! I had time and thought I'd surprise you!" He spoke, putting his hand on my knee and rubbing his thumb on the side of my leg, trying to calm me down.
"You never let me do anything in my own house anymore." I cross my arms, leaning back in the chair.
"And that will keep going on." He said. "Anyways, I thought that cleaning the house would give you time to go shopping for a dress or something." He smiled, taking a glance over at me, before focusing back on the road.
"Oh my gosh, Amy! Yes! Let's do it!" Katie spoke enthusiastically from the back seat. "There's this new store that opened, too! You'd absolutely love it! I'll text the others!" She pulled out her phone to start texting.
"Ugh, fine." I groaned, resting my head against the head rest. "Did you at least leave the vacuuming for me?" I asked, turning my head to face Ashton.
"Nope. House is spotless. Nothing more to do." He stated. I groan even more.
"I hate you." I said, closing my eyes. "I might as well pay you then." I say, leaning forward and opening my bag, reaching for my wallet, but Ashton stops me.
"I can't do anything nice for you without you getting mad. It's impossible." He said, smirking. "Besides, you already paid me with him!" He spoke, pointing to the backseat.
"Me? What'd I do?" Luke asked, causing me to laugh.
"Not you, jack ass. Aiden." Ashton stated, followed by a slight chuckle.
"Well, I'm a mom. I want to do all the chores so I'm prepared." I exclaim.
"Prepared for what?" Ashton asked. "You're already a mother and it's already the future where you have a kid. It won't be any different if you have another." He spoke.
"I guess you're right." I say. "Thank you." I whisper, before grabbing Ashton's jaw, I lean over and press my lips to his cheek, scratching my chin on his facial hair. By the time I pull away, we are already pulling up to my driveway.
"Guys do we need to stop by anyone's house to get money?" I shouted, opening my door. But before I could step out, Ashton's grasp is around my forearm.
"Wait." He stopped me, before reaching into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet. He opened it and pulled out his credit card. "Here." He says, handing it to me, but I don't grab it. "C'mon! Get whatever you want with no budget! A gift from me to you!" He smiled.
"Can you not? I'm not taking your credit card to buy a dress! That just seems wrong!" I say, pushing his arm back.
"I insist! Just pay me back later if you want! You don't have to though." He handed it back to me. I hesitated, before taking it out of his hand.
"Just because I'm taking it, doesn't mean I'm gonna use it. I'm just trying to be nice." I say, stepping out of the car, walking around to the drivers side.
"Just because you might not use it, doesn't mean I'll let you use your own money." He spoke, walking towards me, before grabbing my chin and pecking my lips. "Don't worry about price, it's my treat for you to treat yourself." He exclaimed. I place my hands on his cheeks and peck his lips again.
"Thank you, again." I say. "You really don't have to do all of this." I look him in the eyes.
"I want to." He spoke, causing me to smile.
"Go do something, you dork." I chuckle, playfully pushing him towards the house.
"Ugh fine." He groaned, before grabbing Aiden in the backseat and walking into the house. I open the drivers door and hop in.
"Everyone ready?" I ask, starting the ignition.
"Hell yeah!" Becca shouted. I pull out onto the road and begin driving down the street, still worrying about what to do. Should I use Ashton's card, or be the better person and use my own? What if I can't afford a dress? Does he really want me to use his money for my own selfish wants? A bunch of these questions run through my head as we drive the entire way to the mall.
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"Ugh guys! I can't find anything!" I groan, still searching the racks. We've been in this new store called White Fox Boutique for about 40 minutes already and I haven't found a single thing. Also this store seems really fancy, like I probably can't afford any of this.
"Keep looking! You'll find something!" Meghan said from the other side of a rack, at least 8 dresses in her arms.
"What about you, Becca?" I asked her. She was beside Meghan, practically shoving every dress she sees into her hand.
"Doing pretty good!" She said, lifting her arm to show even more dresses. I sighed.
"Marco!" I shouted. This is how I find Katie in stores. One of us shouts "Marco!" and when the other one hears you, they're supposed to shout back "Polo!" Kind of like the game you play in the pool, but instead we play it in public stores because why not? It's fun.
"Polo!" I hear from about 3 racks behind me. I turn around and Katie is peaking her head up over the rack she was searching.
"Find something?" I ask her. She lifts her arm and held up 3 dresses.
"I've found some things." She spoke, emphasis on things.
"Why can't I find anything?!" I say, pretending to smash my head into the clothing rack. Katie pauses, before pulling something off her clothing rack, while I keep searching mine. I feel her presence beside me, so I turn to her. "Quit rubbing it in- ooohhhh this is gorgeous!" I say, feeling the beautiful dress she held up I front of me. I look it from top to bottom and I am suddenly in awe. "Where'd you find this?! I basically looked on every rack!" I exclaim, feeling the fabric on my fingertips.
"I found it on the one I was looking at! I thought it'd be perfect for you!" She exclaimed, handing the dress to me. I walk up to a mirror and hold the dress up to my body, picturing myself in it. As I'm looking at this dress, this smile never left my face, and I basically zoned out. Just me and the dress.
"This dress really is beautiful." I spoke, quieter than usual.
"Go on!" Katie spoke, knocking me back in the zone. "Try it on!" She encouraged me. I smiled wider and agreed, making my way to the change rooms.
After getting into the dress, I walk out of the change room and all the girls jaws drop. "Oh my god. It looks amazing on you!" Meghan exclaimed, clapping her hands together.
"Girl, you look hella fabulous!" Becca spoke, flicking her wrist in the air.
"I did good, didn't I?" Katie asked, one hand on her hip while looking at her nails on the other. I look in the mirror and do a spin and smile. I feel like a little girl wearing her favourite princess dress. My confidence just boosted from a 3 out of 10 to a 9 because damn I actually look and feel great.
"Yep, surprisingly, Katie, you did perfect." I said. I walk back into the change room, ready to buy the dress. "I'll just change and we can get out of here, okay?" I asked the girls. They all just nodded their heads, before I closed the door. Just as I'm about to undo the zipper, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and look at the number. Unknown it read, so I answer it anyway. "Hello?"
"Hello, is this Amelia MacDonald?" The voice asked. It was a woman with a sweet sounding tone in her voice.
"Yes, how can I help you?" I asked, seeming quite concerned since it was an unknown number and I don't recognize her voice.
"Yes. My name is Carol and I'm calling from Qantas Airlines and was wondering if it was you and 3 others who purchased tickets to Havana, Cuba?" She spoke.
"Yes, did the flight get canceled?" I asked.
"Umm... Not exactly." She started. "For the tickets you purchased, the purchases actually failed. I apologize for any inconvenience." As she spoke, my heart just dropped. I can't believe this.
"Are you kidding me?!" I speak louder.
"I- I'm really so-"
"I paid over three thousand fucking dollars for those tickets! It took me months to earn that money!" I begin to shout. I am now furious, I can just feel the steam firing out of my ears and my blood boiling in my veins.
"That's not all I have to say." She spoke from the other line. I take a deep breath and relax a little. Maybe it's good news.
"Go on." I spoke, just above a whisper, trying to stay calm.
"Even if you re-purchase the tickets, it would have to be for a flight in 2 weeks, as the rest of the flights to Cuba have all been over-sold because some of our planes have been having technical difficulties, so all flights are limited." She spoke. That's all I could take, so I literally started feeling my nails digging into the palms of my own hands as I punch a hole in the dressing wall, my anger finally coming out.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR AIRLINE?! I AM NOT GOING TO WAIT 2 MORE WEEKS FOR A 3000$ FLIGHT!" I shout. There was silence on the other end for a moment, before she spoke up.
"I apologize miss. I hope you have better luck in the future." The woman spoke, before ending the call. I couldn't believe 3000$ was down the drain. I worked extra hours for 10 months to earn that money. I'm so enraged, my phone goes flying out of my hand and into the wall, shattering the screen. I slide down the opposing wall, tears start to run down my face while I begin bawling. I found it hard to breath, this happens every time I cry and have multiple emotions at once.
"Amy?" A faint voice came from behind the door, with a small knock. It was Meghan. I sniff, quickly wiping under my eyes. "You okay? What happened?"
"I'm okay, and it's nothing I will tell you later." I say, trying to keep it together.
"You sure? Because you were yelling and I heard something shatter!" She spoke, trying to keep me calm.
"One second." I called out, standing up and sniffing one more time, wiping myself off and wiping under my eyes again. As I dusted off my clothes, I realized I was still in the dress. I didn't really care anymore, so I opened the change room door and everyone was standing outside of it, a worried look on their faces.
"What happened?" Becca asked, worried that she might set me off again. That's when I explained the whole "situation" with them losing our money for the tickets and waiting to re-purchase them for a flight 2 weeks later than what we planned.
Instead of going through all the struggle to rebook all of our reservations for 2 weeks later, we all compromised that it's best we don't go. I headed back into the change room and change back into my clothes. I go up to the counter and hand the girl the dress.
"That comes to $220.75 please." The girl said. I bite the inside of my cheek, knowing that's a shit ton of money. But also 3000$ is a hell of a lot more, too. I pull out my wallet and see 2 cards, mine and Ashton's. I pull them both out and take a look at the two cards. It takes me a minute before I make up my mind. I hesitate, before handing her the card.
The guilt instantly hit me once she swiped the card that read Ashton Fletcher Irwin.
Hiiii guys! I'm super duper sorry this chapter took so long! I've been hella busy because it's almost final exams for my 2nd semester, so I'm crazy busy with trying to get all my final work in. I am also quite busy as I have been running some fundraisers for one of my best friends who was diagnosed with brain cancer back in February, so we've been running multiple fundraisers to raise money for her chemotherapy. But I will try to update more often! Anyways...
Thanks so much for 8.41K reads and 325 votes! You guys are fucking awesome! Xx
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I love you all so so much! Stay beautiful babes! xx
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